Oxana Banshikova
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Blog: Monday, Nov 22

My new website.The time has come, when I decided to have a separate (more official looking) site to showcase and promote not only my work but work of all dancers and and all performances of Cosmic Dance group.So, I might use this blog for its original purpose and actually try blogging on a regular bases, not only posting from time to time  ;-) . There are so many things I would like to write and discuss and being away from India and all my dance friends for so long makes me want to share thoughts with the world.The new site was designed by my own very best dad all the content would not be possible without my friends and much loved students and finally the beautiful photo on the  home page was taken by a very talented photographer Michelle Garthe.As you can see, my work is very personal to me and very close to my heart because of all the people’s help and encouragement.Bye for now, and see you here or at   www.cosmic-dance.com 

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Welcome to my world of dance.


Hong Kong
April 19, 2009