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chia bags shoot and the ultimate procrastinator..

so rolled out of bed this morning just in time for the chia bags shoot..

my coffee barely kicking in..jean my favorite makeup artist trying her best to make me look like i m rising n shining..

we had so many looks to get through i was a little worried that i will be late for my play tonight..

finally the coffee starts kicking in and i m a little more awake..

here is june chang, the designer. i have never understood expensive bags but 1 touch of this snake skin looking cow hide and i think i m beginning to understand the fascination..it is all about texture..

here is bradley lau the photographer.. was trying all morning to figure out if he was half asian because of the last name.. finally he told me it was a german last name..--i am an idiot  ;0p

have forgotten how tiring modelling can be..i generally dont like people fussing over me and what i wear or look like ..but  jean has always been gentle and kind so all is well..

so this is what i will look like bald.., not bad huh?;0p

is this better;0?

look like a "tai-tai" in this one..i guess they are the ones who buy 600 dollar handbags..

barely made the 5.30pm calltime for the play today..

am supposed to be packing now cos i am boarding a plane in 6 hours for singapore..but since i am totally procrastinating i have decided to blog instead of pack..i hate packing, and for a person that hates travelling i sure move around a lot..a nomadic lifetstyle is unsettling cos one is never on fully on vacation, or fully working..there is always an anxiety that's hard to place.. oh well..time to go back to packing ;0p

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
I appreciate your procrastination, since it means more blog reading for the rest of us. Kudos! Have a safe flight.
大约 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
have a good flight. let us know if you stop over in hk!
大约 17 年 ago



New York City, United States
August 4, 2007