“The Little Nyonya” Polo Practice Session: Man overboard!
今早 ,《小娘惹》演员陈邦鋆、章缜翔 和 特约演员PamelynChee 在 练马时发生了意外。Pamelyn不慎坠于马下,但她却完全不当一回事,还声称自己没大碍。为了不耽误其他演员练马,Pamelyn马上收拾情绪,咬紧牙 关继续练马。我们想从马摔下来肯定是痛的啦,她还能和往常一样嘻嘻哈哈,佩服佩服!戚玉武原本也被安排上这堂课的,但由于他在之前的练习中受了伤所以无法 出席。Just this morning, the cast of the “The Little Nyonya” Andie Chen, Zzen and part-time actress Pamelyn Chee
were practicing their polo moves when a mishap happened. Pamelyn fell off her horse, causing a minor hoo-ha which was quickly resolved with the bubbly gal quickly getting up on her feet and resuming her practice. The petite Pamelyn claimed she was alright but we thought the fall must have hurt as the ground was really hard. Qi Yu Wu was supposed to have attended today’s session but he was unable to make it due to an injury in the previous practice session.
A suave Andie on his horse.
章缜翔兴致勃勃为我们摆了个pose.Zzen giving us the thumbs-up (or rather two fingers up)!
Pamelyn hard at practice despite her mishap.
教练:不要驼背,不要驼背,哎哟! Trainer: Don’t hunch, don’t hunch, aiyo!!
Three, Two, One, Smile!
Let me give you a tip: never stand behind a horse for it might just kick you!
Don’t think horse-riding is a walk in the park; we’re aching all over!