Pat Lee
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Changing Your Perception

I wanted to share this with everyone because it shed alot of light into my life at  times when I as feeling down. A feeling which all of us feel at some point of time in our life. When people get to know me they think Im wierd but interesting - mainly because of my belief in spirituality I guess? Or perhaps my deep thoughts and perspective of life.

I believe that we live life to feed our inner soul and to achieve a great understanding of the balance between right and wrong. Sometimes, you won't even be able to answer what if what you are experiencing is right or wrong at all.  Often enough we go through so many roller coaster rides in life because of how we look at the situation. When we believe we failed at something it's not actually failure, it's just how we perceive it. When we lose something in life, it's not really losing but rather gaining knowledge or allowing us not to be so attached.

Life is so unique and how each individual person perceives life. Sometimes we are so eager to climb up that ladder of success in life that we don't step outside of that mental box and review what our life fullfillment is. Most people have 60- 80 years of breathing life in them before passing away. What is it really that our hearts deep inside want to fullfill in life? Many of us want to be remembered after passing, some don't even care at all what purpose they have in life. Look in the mirror and ask yourself... What do you want to achieve in this life. You will probably find alot of answers. When you know that, ask yourself what you want to achieve in the next life. :)

Sometimes I look into eyes of babies (such as my own little nephew) and i try to make funny cross eyed faces in front of him  and realize that he's staring at me saying," Man, get a grip of yourself." And say to myself, this baby's soul I bet is far more older then mine or perhaps he's lived many more lives then me. I wonder what he will be like when he grows up...

Anyways, I'm blabbing - to make a long story short, a friend of mine shared something with me this one line and I wanted to share it with all of you. It helped me get through rough times in my life and made me realized more about myself then ever before and it's such a simple line:

"If you change the way you look at things,the things you look at will change."

Pat Lee

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  16 评论s  0 shares
Paulinec 1a img 1269
Yes what you are saying is so completely true...it can get so caught up in the goings on in your life...a phrase that stayed with me ..is something a friend said to me when i was working in NYC and was super super busy and crazed..." don't ever let anyone take away your spirit!"..which was so true because when you are running constantly to achieve something.. it's easy to be sooo focused you can lose sight of yourself and who you are.. and what you are aiming for .....even if it is for a split second.
接近 17 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 16, 2007