Official Artist
Pat Lee
Director , Painter
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Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to share some interesting items I picked up this week:

Really slick looking USB video/music player that holds 1 Gig worth of memory. You can hold all kinds of stuff on this watch and love the simplicity of this product. It even has a side speaker so your friends can listen.

Nothing more exciting then VISVIM shoes - Japanese label and really well designed. Lots of little details on this shoe and outside of all my Nikes I've been wearing this brand. Good stuff.

Picked up this really sweet SPAWN ring. Todd would be proud haha! This is also authentic straight up license from TMP. It's slick, bold and not gigantic like other rings. Nifty piece of work.

I also picked up these really slick skull rings that are plastic but what's neat about them is that they look ceramic with the special coating they added on top of it. Below is a white version. Pretty rad piece. Alot of rings don't have the depth that these ones have and the detail. It's always important not to over do it when it comes to rings - specially when it comes to Skulls.

Finally bought a MAC - been using PC alot but needed to make the switch! It's super light, fast. Chose the 13" for it's light wieght. If you don't have one it's a must!

Been super busy with Creative Consulting, Film work, comics and developing my own brand etc. Same same same! Hope everyone has a blast over the weekend and continue everyone with success - PEAcE!

Pat Lee

  | 嗨各位,

想分享我這周新買的一些有趣物品:外觀精致的 USB 視頻/音樂播放器,1G的內存。你會喜歡這塊表的所有元素,並愛上它的簡潔。它甚至擁有一個可以和朋友一起聽音樂的側面揚聲器。

沒有比入手一雙 VISVIM 鞋更令人興奮的 - 日本品牌,設計非常棒。這款鞋的許多細節都超過了我穿過的所有 NIKE。真是好東西。

買了這款相當可愛的 SPAWN(再生俠)戒指,Todd 一定很驕傲,哈哈! 這是真正來自 TMP 特許的商品。它很精巧,不像其他戒指那麽大個。精致的藝術作品。

我還購買了這些精巧的頭骨戒指,是塑料材質,但制作很精致,看起來像陶瓷上塗了一層特殊塗料。這是白色款,相當時髦。許多戒指都沒有如此深層次而細致入微的設計。戒指設計時最重要的是不能過度 - 尤其涉及到骷髏時。

最後還有一台 MAC - 平時經常用 PC,需要換個口味! 它超輕超快。我選了輕薄的13寸屏。如果你還沒有的話,一定要買一台!

最近非常忙碌,有創意顧問、電影作品、漫畫和開發自己的品牌等等工作。同樣同樣同樣! 希望大家周末玩得盡興,事業繼續成功 - 和平!Pat Lee

 | 嗨各位,


外观精致的 USB 视频/音乐播放器,1G的内存。你会喜欢这块表的所有元素,并爱上它的简洁。它甚至拥有一个可以和朋友一起听音乐的侧面扬声器。

没有比入手一双 VISVIM 鞋更令人兴奋的 - 日本品牌,设计非常棒。这款鞋的许多细节都超过了我穿过的所有 NIKE。真是好东西。

买了这款相当可爱的 SPAWN(再生侠)戒指,Todd 一定很骄傲,哈哈! 这是真正来自 TMP 特许的商品。它很精巧,不像其他戒指那么大个。精致的艺术作品。

我还购买了这些精巧的头骨戒指,是塑料材质,但制作很精致,看起来像陶瓷上涂了一层特殊涂料。这是白色款,相当时髦。许多戒指都没有如此深层次而细致入微的设计。戒指设计时最重要的是不能过度 - 尤其涉及到骷髅时。

最后还有一台 MAC - 平时经常用 PC,需要换个口味! 它超轻超快。我选了轻薄的13寸屏。如果你还没有的话,一定要买一台!

最近非常忙碌,有创意顾问、电影作品、漫画和开发自己的品牌等等工作。同样同样同样! 希望大家周末玩得尽兴,事业继续成功 - 和平!Pat Lee


almost 16 years ago 0 likes  20 comments  0 shares
Photo 281957
hey pat, cool stuff u hav there !! i also hav a mac... planning to change my home pc to mac so everything can be done by both comp !!!
almost 16 years ago


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