Official Artist
Patricia Liu
Actor , MC / Show Host , Model
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is that him?

"is that him?", this question raised in my head when my eyes laid on one of the pictures in a magazine. yap, definitely, that's him, same blue eyes, same smile, only more mature. i thought i was immuned to all "emotion feelings", nope, i was wrong, i still have feelings, the same feeling i had before, i have now and i will have in the future. "a lot of regrets, a lot of pities". only if we have met at a different time, the result would be so much different. we both were too strong, too naive, too stubborn to compromise into anything. i always like his big big hand, touching them made me feel secure, i like to lay on his shoulder when i was reading, i love staying next to him coz it made me look so small, ...etc

hey, girls, dont make the same mistake as i did. dont ever let go something you precious because of something unknown as "female dignity", it doesnt worth it!!!!! plus, our immune system can never be 100% immuned to all emotions coz we are not robot.

love, patricia

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
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doh, its never too late!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 41044
awww I can relate to that.. :)
almost 16 years ago


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洛杉磯, 美國
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October 24, 2007