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sorry that i havent written here for quite a while.  a lot of things had happen.  my room-mate's little brother suicided in NY last week and i feel so terrible, he is only 21 and one more semester to go.  i asked my room-mate to invite him to our place for vacation since he had some court case to deal with and couldnt go to school during the whole summer (he kind of had some mental problems start early this year).  but then, you knowt the traditional chinese family, always want to hide the family member who has mental illness (my roomy is really cool and she has no problem wit that at all).  anyway, we have done what we have done.  my roomy is still in NY now for her little bro funeral and other stuff to take care of.  in the meantime, i need to start packing up her things and look for another roomy.  i dont think i can ever find anothe roomy as nice as her, i really do miss her and she loves my pets too.  so , really hard to find...........

besides that, i do have some pictures to upload, however, "those jerks" (my friends never send me back)...........anyway, hope everyone has a nice weekend.

love, patricia | 很抱歉,我已經有一段時間沒在這裡寫東西了。中間發生了很多事情。我室友的弟弟上個星期在紐約自殺了,這讓我感到非常不安,他還只有21歲,而且再過一個學期就要畢業了。因為得知他官司纏身,整個夏天都不能去學校,我曾叫室友請他到我們這裡來渡假(今年早些時候,他已經出現了一些情緒問題)。但當時,你們也知道傳統的中國家庭,通常都會隱瞞家庭成員的心理問題(但我的室友在這方面還是相當開通的,她並不覺得這是什麼大問題)。無論如何,該做的我們已經都做了。我的室友現在還在紐約,料理弟弟的後事和其他的一些雜務。同時,我也要把她的東西收拾起來,重新再找一個室友。我想我再也找不到一個像她這麼好的室友了,她也很喜歡我的寵物們,我真的很掛念她。所以,真的很難找了........... 


愛你們的,patricia| 很抱歉,我已经有一段时间没在这裡写东西了。中间发生了很多事情。我室友的弟弟上个星期在纽约自杀了,这让我感到非常不安,他还只有21岁,而且再过一个学期就要毕业了。因为得知他官司缠身,整个夏天都不能去学校,我曾叫室友请他到我们这裡来渡假(今年早些时候,他已经出现了一些情绪问题)。但当时,你们也知道传统的中国家庭,通常都会隐瞒家庭成员的心理问题(但我的室友在这方面还是相当开通的,她并不觉得这是什麽大问题)。无论如何,该做的我们已经都做了。我的室友现在还在纽约,料理弟弟的后事和其他的一些杂务。同时,我也要把她的东西收拾起来,重新再找一个室友。我想我再也找不到一个像她这麽好的室友了,她也很喜欢我的宠物们,我真的很挂念她。所以,真的很难找了........... 



15 年多 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
very sad. University is a difficult time for many! :-(
大约 15 年 ago
Img 0185rs
well, my roomy's little brother suicided due to some mental problems, you know how the chinese traditional family treat mental illness........so, they kind of let him stayed home and not go out for the whole summer, this is really sad, even i dont know him, i still feel very sad about it.........patricia
大约 15 年 ago



洛杉磯, 美國
October 24, 2007