演员, 主持人, 模特儿
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How in hell can you handle love without turning your life upside down? That's what love does, it changes everything!

You are your own best friend, closest ally, most faithful companion and wisest adviser.

I am better off not socializing, i make a better impression if I am not around.

I love childern, old people and pets. It's everyone in between I cant stand.

when someone else make a mistake, why am i the one who always need to suffer? the answer to that is - because i dont have a "kind face".

i never hate people, but i happen to hate stupidity, then, "people + stupidity", i extremely dislike this equation.

patricia the true me

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
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doh, i can't be your friend til i'm old then. :-P
接近 16 年 ago
'Stupid people' is redundant. People are what ruin humanity; think of how much better it would be without them. In that vein... "I make a better impression if I am not around." I would say that makes no sense, except I feel exactly the same way. Sometimes I think love means you never reach the 'end of your rope' with a person; there is never a 'last time' you will put up with something. You always forgive them, always give them another chance, and never shut them out. I have yet to find that love, or have someone find it in me ;P
接近 16 年 ago



洛杉磯, 美國
October 24, 2007