Official Artist
Patricia Liu
Actor , MC / Show Host , Model
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the sleeping position of cat

one friend of mine told me this the other day - the sleeping position of a cat represents his/her reflection towards its owner, eg:

if the cat sleeps around your feet, it means he/she obeys you, respect you and kind of scares of you.

if the cat sleeps around your body/hip, it means he/she loves you very much and takes you as his/her friend.

if the cat sleeps above your shoulder, around your head, it means he/she does not have any respect for you and treats you as their servant rather than its master.

and of course, both of my cats sleep around my head........huhhuh....... this rule does not apply to dog. therefore, even my dog sleeps around my feet, it does mean she scares of me as well...... another huhhuh........

love, patricia

ps by the way, i might be shooting for a drama series in the month of June, so, i guess, after all, you guys will see me again on TV

about 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares


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洛杉磯, 美國
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October 24, 2007