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draculatoki 茶色金魚 P.L
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mono graffiti video #03 Century.Adult.Grams (世紀.成年.公克)



2mins25seconds full version



1 分鐘 "IT 21 拍" 版本

1min version for "IT Action 21" competition


從具象到抽象, 從物慾到心靈, 從繁華到憩靜.

這一段短片主要由三個主題構成, 分別是 21 Century (21世紀), 21 Adult Party (21歲成年生日派對) 以及 21 Grams (21 公克 - 靈魂的重量).

我們 mono graffiti 表達了 "21" 在我們心目中的意義, 21 可以是實在的, 也可以是虛無的, 21 可以代表浮華的年代, 也可以是無垢的心靈; 可能每一個人都會對這段影片產生不同的感覺及想法, 希望大家觀賞完畢後都會感到滿足.

繪畫者 : draculatoki, Toki Cheung,  東 (Patricia Ng), Yukin Chang


from concrete to abstract , worldliness to spirit , prosperous to peaceful.

this video composed by 3 parts : 21 Century (21世紀), 21 Adult Party (21歲成年生日派對) and 21 Grams (21 公克 - 靈魂的重量).

we are convey how's our feeling about the number "21" ,  "21" can means truly, but also can means emptiness, "21" can be meretricious age, also can be pure spirit; when you watching this video may be you will get different feeling about "21", wish you enjoy it.

illustrators : draculatoki, Toki Cheung,  東 (Patricia Ng), Yukin Ching

about 15 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
Ill 11 2011 01
to ching388 : glad to know that we are inspiring you by our video :D have a nice day ching :D
about 15 years ago
Ill 11 2011 01
to cici : 謝謝妳 :D 這幾天我還會上傳我個人拍的照片, 有空的話再來看哦 :D
about 15 years ago
Ill 11 2011 01
to polina : thz thz :D have a nice day
about 15 years ago


以圖像代替言語.以創作代替虛榮 努力工作.盡情創作 let the [graphics/drawing] to substitute [talk], make the [creative works] to substitute [vanity]. work hard & create hard

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March 2, 2008