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draculatoki 茶色金魚 P.L
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新短片創作, 請投我們一票 :D | New Video, plz vote for us ! :D

不久之前, 我發現了一個短片拍攝比賽名為 "I.T 21"; 那是一個很有趣的活動, 沒有太多的限制, 而且目的是為了發揮香港人的創作精神, 所以我跟組員們商討之後, 參加了這個活動.

我們參加的影片主題名叫 "Century.Adult.Grams (世紀.成年.公克)", 這一段短片主要由三個主題構成, 分別是 21 Century (21世紀), 21 Adult Party (21歲成年生日派對) 以及 21 Grams (21 公克 - 靈魂的重量).

我們 mono graffiti 表達了 "21" 在我們心目中的意義, 21 可以是實在的, 也可以是虛無的, 21 可以代表浮華的年代, 也可以是無垢的心靈; 可能每個人都會對這段影片產生不同的感覺及想法, 但是我希望大家觀賞完畢後都會感到滿足.

現在只剩下十天左右的投票時間, 請各位支持我的朋友, 到以下的連結去看看我們的作品 "Century.Adult.Grams (世紀.成年.公克)", 如果您看完了之後覺得喜歡的話, 請於下面的連結頁面, 在投票格內, 先點擊右面第 5 個銀幣, 再點擊 "投票" , 謝謝. :D

(如果您看不見投票格, 您可能還未登記/登入, 請先登記, 再依上面的指示投票, 登記過程中可能需要您輸入 8 位數字之電話號, 那是主辦單位為了聯絡中獎人之用, 不用擔心; 再一次衷心感謝您的支持.)


Few days ago, i found a video competition the name is "I.T 21", that is a interesting event, not many restrict, so we join this competition and show that all we can do.

We made the video, the title is"Century.Adult.Grams (世紀.成年.公克)", there are 3 parts in the video, part 1 is "21 Century", part 2 is  "21 Adult Party", and the part 3  "21 Grams (the heft of soul)" .

We (mono graffiti) are used our style to telling what is the "21", "21" can be tangible, can be emptiness, can be a flamboyant age, "21" can mean many things, everyone have different feeling on it, but i am wish u all guys will enjoy our video.

It just around 10 days leave to voting, there are not much times, plz click the following link and watch our video "Century.Adult.Grams (世紀.成年.公克)", if u love it, plz sign up, and click the most right coins at the vote box first, and then click the "vote" for us, thz. :D

(If u didn't see any vote box/area, may be u need to sign up/sign in, after that u can follow the step i wrote to vote for us, and when u sign up, this site may be asking for 8 character phone number, don't worry, that's for connect the winners, thz all u guys support again.)


over 15 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares
over 15 years ago
Ill 11 2011 01
to Reni : 多謝晒 :D 你有冇玩呢個比賽 ?
over 15 years ago
Ill 11 2011 01
to cherisse : yup :'( , my fd help me to upload, she did it ...
over 15 years ago
冇啊~ 希望你勝出啦 ^_^
over 15 years ago
Ill 11 2011 01
to Reni : i c ~ 不過我遲過人地成個月先參加, 我都覺得冇咩機會贏, 但係都盡下力啦. 再一次多謝你支持 :D
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
Ill 11 2011 01
to Reni : 我都係咁諗 :D 同埋我仰有係想話比人知, 香港仲有人係真心搞藝術, 唔係求其拍 D 野上去就算.
over 15 years ago
Ill 11 2011 01
to jetty : 多謝晒妳呀, 我入到圍都好開心架啦, 我會努力 :D
over 15 years ago
Ill 11 2011 01
to Lotusflowers : 登入了那個網站以後, 再按上面我 post 的 link, 在右邊投票格內, 先點擊右面第 5 個銀幣, 再點擊 "投票" , 就完成了。 :D
over 15 years ago
Ill 11 2011 01
to littlecai : 其實可以投 5個的, 投票了一次之後就不可以再更改了, 不過沒關係, 妳的支持我們已經收到了, 謝謝妳 :D
over 15 years ago


以圖像代替言語.以創作代替虛榮 努力工作.盡情創作 let the [graphics/drawing] to substitute [talk], make the [creative works] to substitute [vanity]. work hard & create hard

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March 2, 2008