Official Artist
Wong Wong
Director , Producer , Screenwriter
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“Artists?”  “Hypocrites?”  

"藝人?" "虛偽?"

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In Hong Kong, or perhaps in all the communities that are interested in the Hong Kong entertainment scene, the words of “Artists”, “Hypocrites” have widely been heard of lately due to the recent “artists’ obscene photos” incident.

在香港,或在所有對香港娛樂圈感興趣的地方, "藝人"、"虛偽"這些字眼最近因“淫照”事件經常被聽到。


First of all, let’s look at what are “Artists”.  In my opinion, “Artists”, and I am referring to MOVIES STARS in particular, are the objects of one-sided fantasies by all the individuals from the mass audience.  As an ordinary audience, have we ever thought of why we like certain stars and dislike some others?  Other than their outside appearances and their performances to play certain characters on screen, we actually know very little about them.  We either like them or dislike them purely based on our one-sided projection of our own feelings, values and assumptions onto those artists.  

首先,讓我們來看看"藝人"是什麼。以我所見, "藝人",我這裏特別指「電影明星」,是從廣大觀眾裏的每位個體觀眾的單向幻想投射的對象。其實,作為一個普通觀眾,我們有否想過為什麼我們會喜歡某些明星,但憎厭其他一些明星呢?除了他/她們的外形,和他/她們在屏幕裏扮演某些角色時的表現之外,我們實際上是不認識他/她們的。我們喜歡或憎厭某些明星,全由於我們對那些明星之「一廂情願」的感覺、價值觀或幻想而已。


Just think about everyone that you may see face to face in the office day to day, do you really know everything about them other than how they are at work?  So, based on what are we justified to like, or dislike, any of the artists other than on their artistic integrity?  But how often are the media and public interested in all the other personal aspects of artists that have nothing to do with their artistic integrity?



Furthermore, “Artists” are just as “flesh and blood” and “human” like everyone else.  They should not be deprived of their human rights in their own private moments, but “Artists” are virtually commercial “brands” or “products” in the “market”.  And, in the entertainment business, “market” = the eyes of the public audiences.  So, like all other ‘brand policies” or “product strategies”, artists are allowed or not allowed to say or do certain things publicly, especially if the artist is working for a big company.

此外, "藝人"也跟其他普通人一樣是"有血有肉"及"有需要"的。他/她們不應該被剝奪了他/她們的私人空間及私人活動的基本權利。問題是在於"藝人"的性質就如商業“市場”裏的一些"品牌"或"產品"。分別就是在娛樂圈這個特殊"市場"  =>公衆的眼睛。所以,跟其它“品牌政策”或“產品戰略”一般, “藝人”,尤其是大公司旗下的那些,在公衆面前能或不能說些或做些什麽,都不是可以由他/她們自己决定的。


So, are those artists hypocrites if they do not smoke publicly or make love publicly but they only do these things behind closed doors?  In my opinion, they are not hypocrites but very wise and responsible instead.  Conforming to the general acceptable manner and moral standard in public is “part of the job” of performing artists.  They’ll be foolish and irresponsible not to.   



I really hope that the mass public would look at the recent “obscene photos” incident from a different angle, to consider the “Rights”, “Circumstance” and “Justice” for those artists who are currently being victimized, before making a judgment on them.  



If we want a better society for all to live in, we should teach the younger generation to respect the “Rights” and “Justice” of other people, including that for the performing artists.  The other thing to teach them is that they must take good care of their valuable personal belongings!  Also, they must always remember Father God’s following teaching to us.  Or else, they may end up having to pay a very “high price” for their deeds!


                   We are free to do all things,

                         but there are things which are not wise to do.         

                   We are free to do all things,

                         but not all things are for the common good.

                    Let a man give attention not only to what is good for himself,

                         but equally to his neighbour's good. "

                                                               (Corinthians 10:23 - 24)


如果我們希望有一個更好更和諧的社會,我們便應教育年青人如何公平去待人,及專重別人的權利,包括藝人的權利在內。其次便是要教他/她們一定要好好的去保管自己的珍貴個人財物! 亦需要常常記著天父對我們以下之教導,否則可能需要為自己的行為付上沉重的代價!


凡事都可行.但不都有益處。凡事都可行.但不都造就人。無論何人、不要求自己的益處、  乃要求別人的益處。



over 16 years ago 0 likes  20 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
"The other thing to teach them is that they must take good care of their valuable personal belongings!" yes for sure! i think people will stop and look at anything that is sensational, like people who stop to watch a car accident or a house fire.... this case is very similar... just like people gossip about their coworkers personal lives, they will gossip about famous people, even though they don't really know them at all... this case is sad because there are a lot of victims who are only guilty of making a bad decision, but who will ultimately be paying a very high price because of the misdeeds of others...
over 16 years ago
Photo 49336
Thank God that lots of people and friends are actually understanded and willing to stand up for those artists! I believe every encourageing words we said and every hearts of paryer we had made will give them strenght and move forward.
over 16 years ago
Photo 24183
"We are free to do all things, but there are things which are not wise to do. We are free to do all things, but not all things are for the common good. Let a man give attention not only to what is good for himself, but equally to his neighbour's good. " (Corinthians 10:23 - 24) 凡事都可行.但不都有益處。 凡事都可行.但不都造就人。 無論何人、不要求自己的益處、 乃要求別人的益處。 (歌林多前書 10: 23-24) Let's help our younger generation to remember this instead of having to learn this at a "high price"!
over 16 years ago
Photo 36157
Well said!
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
you forgot a few! ;-)
over 16 years ago


Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lackin

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