Official Artist
Patty Yu
Actor , Producer , MC / Show Host
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On Avail

This year feels like it will be really great for whatever reason. Perhaps it is stemming from within myself, but I know it will be a very prosperous year. Pilot season is about to start up, barring the SAG strike, which could still very well happen even though it is a terrible time to strike. Hearing actors whine about not making enough money is met with extreme dismay with the economy the way it is, but at the same time, many of the issues on the table are legitimate and the actors who really suffer are the ones like me, who are not making millions per picture (yet).

While I am VERY excited for this year to get rolling, I am postponing my real jump back in to go back to Taiwan for Chinese New Year. My dad, who works in Shanghai, will finally get a break and my whole family will see each other in Lin Ko, a city outside of Taipei. However, this trip isn't going to be all roses, because the real reason my brother and I are making this journey east is because my grandmother on my mom's side is 93 and sick. So, we really want to see her one more time, since going back to Taiwan is only a once a year luxury. These photos were taken December 2007 of my grandma, my mom, me, and one of my cousin's daughters. Four generations of women from my mom's side.

My grandmother doesn't speak Mandarin, and I don't speak Taiwanese, so I've never been able to really have a conversation with her. It makes me feel so disconnected from my lineage and culture sometimes. I have no idea what I will feel when she passes away. I can't even wrap my head around it right now. Sigh...

Since I'll be leaving on Jan 21st, and not returning until the 30th, I'll be missing a lot of auditions. So this past week, when two rolled down the pipeline, I decided it would be necessary to book at least one of them! Of course I try to book everything I go on, but it's not always realistic or possible. BUT, I'm on avail for one of them! Verizon.

If you're wondering what being "on avail" means, it is essentially being put on hold for a job. The production company may put a few extra people on "avail" in case someone passes on the job, perhaps for another job or due to illness, etc. Sometimes the spot just doesn't get shot, and that might be another reason you're released from your avail. But, what it does mean is that you made it through all the rounds and that you just about have the job. So as an actor, you have to be happy that you essentially booked it, even if you're released for whatever reason. Just before the break, I shot Pizza Hut, but I was also on avail for a Time Warner Cable spot at the same time and got released. I think because I was their second choice for the asian girl role. Still, it means I beat out lots of people to get that avail, and my agents know that I am likely to book jobs. Many agencies keep track of how often their clients get callbacks, etc to track their likelihood of booking, so any callback or avails are all GREAT for your relationship with your agents.

I'll let you know if I am booked for certain! Will know on Monday. Until then, have a great weekend!

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english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
July 15, 2009