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Pauline C
Fashion / Costume Designer
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had enough!!

Just came back from another leaving do.. it's that changeover time... lots of peeps are leaving xiamen.... and i am still here!.....that says something....

Welll... still feel like crap.. if not worse from inhalng everyone else's smoke......perhaps i should just party hard for a night... drink lots...of saketinis...lychee bellinis.....and if that doesn't work... straight up whisky...  and get this right out of my system....(Better than DRIP PATRICK!!)..it's been lingering too long.. and it's seriously time to fight back...

Soooooo flying to HK tomm.. and going to the DOCS..hopefully he will give me a clean bill of health... and i can hang this weekend.

i am excited to start on a new project for my self... August will be like giving birth to a new born.. well actually it will be evolution. i think in my old age.. i am just going to find a coool space.. and set up a studioo.. and have a quiet life creating and selling... and be content...but until then.. it's the quiet struggle to be who i am and go where i want to.......

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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