Official Artist
Paul Wong
Music Producer , Musician , Singer
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Don't abuse freedom of the press, please|請不要濫用新聞自由|请不要滥用新闻自由

Silence does not mean I am afraid of you.

You have your pen. I also have mine. Although there is only me, I am not afraid.

Don't abuse " freedom of the press ", please.  Moreover, they are not journalists at all, but a band of gangsters who fabricate news!

 It's enough that I have borne you for recent tens of years. I am in my forties, what else do I need to be afraid of? Especially when I tell the truth, "what do I need to be afraid of"?  *( Maybe many people are afraid of it, but I am not anyway!)

I myself don't care about it, but when my beloved get hurt, I will never do nothing! | 唔出聲不代表我怕你們.

你有你支筆, 我亦有我支筆, 雖然我只得一人, 但我不會怕.

請不要濫用" 新聞自由 ", 更何況佢哋根本不是新聞工作者, 而是一堆衊造新聞的流氓!

近十多年來我已經忍夠, 今天四十幾歲的我還有什麼要怕, 尤其講真話的時候 "有什麼要怕".  *( 可能很多人很怕, 但我就是偏不怕! ) 

我自己沒所謂, 但我所愛的人受到傷害的時侯, 我絕不會坐視不理!| 唔出声不代表我怕你们. 你有你支笔, 我亦有我支笔, 虽然我只得一人, 但我不会怕. 请不要滥用" 新闻自由 ", 更何况佢哋根本不是新闻工作者, 而是一堆衊造新闻的流氓! 近十多年来我已经忍够, 今天四十几岁的我还有什麽要怕, 尤其讲真话的时候 "有什麽要怕".  *( 可能很多人很怕, 但我就是偏不怕! )  我自己没所谓, 但我所爱的人受到伤害的时侯, 我绝不会坐视不理!

over 14 years ago 0 likes  43 comments  0 shares
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Support for Paul! down with the abusive press who manufacturers garbage news!
over 14 years ago
Prodipleung 6a prodipleung
正一冚家拎 !
over 14 years ago
Photo 419652
support u, paul!!
over 14 years ago


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