Pedro Chaves
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  1. The video I did for @imjmichaels' song "Issues" is finally out.

I'm gonna do a bts covering the different scenes in the video.

The concept of the video was to do a continous travel, left to right, passing over different issues. We couldn't have acchieved that without the @djiglobal' ronin. Everything was shot handheld with it, on a fs5 and a 35mm #Zeiss by @cgfilm. The opening shot and closing shot of the video was done during the sunrise on Primrose Hill. I love Primrose Hill. Picking the sunrise there, witj the skyline of London that early in the morning is just so beautiful and peaceful. Anyway, we had to be there at 4:30 am to be sure to capture it. Twice. As during the first day it was so cloudy that we couldn't catch the sun.

Personally this shot is my tribute to Lana Wachowski one of my favorire directors. I love @sense8, the cinematography and the storytelling of it. Specially that scene in s01e03 where @twopencemiddleton is watching the sunrise in Primrose Rose, while pressing play on "4 non blondes" song "What's up", really got to me. And thus here it is. We were so lucky with that scene too. First time we tried to record the scene, it was during the sunset as we thought we could cheat our way out of it instead of waking up at ungodly hours. The actress supposed to play the scene decided not to show up anymore and thus, there we were, Primrose Hill and no actress. Suddenly pops @svenjaschlossarek. She was on Primrose Hill watching the sunset and was perfect for the part. I had my AD, Audelia, approach her cuz let's be honest, a guy cannot ask an unknown girl "hey, wanna be in a movie" out of the blue. There is no way that does not raise any red flags. Short story short, she said yes, was incredibly hard working and helped during the shoot too as she is doing film studies. The scene herself was a little longer but unfortunately we had to cut it shorter. Maybe one day in a director's cut.

juliamichaels #issues #video #directing #producing #primrosehill

london #republicrecords #director #sunrise #Sense8 #netflix #London

uk #director #fs5 #ronin #zeiss #dp # acting #actress #camera #musicvideo

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November 19, 2007