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Pedro Chaves
Director , Screenwriter
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Censorship, enlighten us


I was just reading Jessie's blog about her film release and she said that the version in Singapore was censored, while the international wasn't.

Now here comes the question that I have, what is exactly censored in Singapore? And why is that?

And is there a censurship in HK, or the rest of China?

For instance in Belgium there is only one kind of censurship: we cannot diss the royal family, which I find it pretty stupid since they are just a bunch of retards living through or taxes!

But appart from that we don't have any censorship, take the US, same shit, thank you first amendment.

But what about the rest!

Let's start up the discussing and don't hesitate to enlighten me!



about 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
Photo 45002
right I totally forgot about the MPAA! but the MPAA puts an age on the movies right? and they are still pretty flexible, I mean, you really must do something really fucked up to not have your film screened :p
about 16 years ago
this requires a thesis hunny.i wrote vehemently about this in sch.once u start about the situation in sg,u can never stop.seriously.there's a speaker's corner with plain clothes policemen around it.so yeah,go speak,go declare,go get arrested later.
about 16 years ago
Photo 45002
funny you talk about the speaker's corner, there is one in London too! :-) and you can talk about everything except the queen if I remember correctly! :-) waw... I so should stay out of Singapore then! I'm already causing enough trouble here in Belgium with my big mouth!
about 16 years ago
Photo 50938
heehee, why doesn't the last part surprise me pedro! but I'll bail you out, don't worry :p
about 16 years ago
Photo 73139
thanks for citing me as the source of inspiration. LOL~ I agree with Lydia though, this requires a thesis (or at least an entire blog entry). Can't leave a comment that isn't too many paragraphs too long.
almost 16 years ago
P,haha go visit Singapore and come back SAFELY in 1 piece. Hee just kidding,it isn't that bad.Only ass whipping,lotsa fines,angry waiters,community cleaning of parks if u throw anything out,and perhaps if u throw your precious spit around,i think u might wanna change your flight to First Class when u come back. Afterall the tab is about the same.Hee ,nah I'm just kidding. The above were all lies.
almost 16 years ago


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