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Crisis Core: FF7



Finally the game was released in Europe on Thursday and I bought it on Friday! I usually don't have time to play video games but I'm making an exception for this one since there are no video games that can entertain me for long. Last one was Kingdom Hearts 2, that I finished in two days. And unfortunatly Final Fantasy Crisis Core was the same, I finished the game in two days.

But I gotta say, the game was amazing! Great story line, an amazing Zack to who you get attached. And finally Square gives us a real male character instead of those EMO-gothic-"I-so-hate-my-life"bitches we're getting since Cloud! (for the exception of FF9 cuz Zidane kicked ass!).

Storywise CC is great, we learn more, we connect to characters we already know, and it works, they totally succeed in the immersion of the player into the game, after a few minutes you just love Zack, and don't want him to die, but history as decided otherwise and that is something we can't change!

Video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=l6ZaSipHuO4



almost 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
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Dirge of Cerberus stinks...hehe Story is so so kind of interesting, but the gameplay is soo bad. I've had the Japanese one for like 2 years and the US one for 3-4 months now, and I still haven't beat it cuz I just get bored playing it. Crisis Core was awesome though. They did a great job. i think it's because they got the original writer from FFVII to write the story for Crisis Core too. I still haven't beat the US version yet though, but I beat the Japanese one in a about a week.
almost 16 years ago


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