Official Artist
Director , Producer , Comic Creator / Cartoonist
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homemade ultraman

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldri8VZkfBk a little fun wth my superhero

about 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Photo 23398
I saw the TV show Ultraman when I was young, they should make that into a movie but w/actual Japanese actors. Peter, do you know of anyone who's filming next month or so? I'll be in HK in March. . . . Hope you're doing fabulous.
about 16 years ago


I am from UNIVERSE now living on a planet called EARTH!! HOW are You!nice of you to drop in!! 我來自大宇宙,目前居住地球,歡迎你路經this space,若你的频律和我一樣,請把電波对上....

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September 18, 2008