Official Artist
Phat Chan
Editor (Film) , Musician , Rapper
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12 Glamour x Phat & MI$$ YELLOW eyewear

Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mvJKxfvIsw Video:http://vimeo.com/9176618Valentines Day is coming! Phat and Miss Yellow want to bring a

special gift to you and your Valentine!!!

Phat and Yellow have designed two styles of special edition eyewear

for 12 Glamour. Phat's design is inspired by the graphics and

artwork from his book, Tat Addicts. Miss Yellow has designed the

perfect sunglasses for trendy club-goers and night-time fanatics!

Each design comes in 3 different colors.

This collaboration with 12 Glamour marks the 1st time Phat and

Yellow have lent their unique sense of style to eyewear design, so

please come and show your support!!!!!


配啱眼鏡都唔代表你識睇人但起碼能夠睇清楚,人又好,路又好, 前後左右 一目了然。

近視遠視老花散光有需要戴眼鏡又或者係純粹貪靚愛嚟襯吓衫,眼鏡絕對列入考慮之內。我就有鋪儲眼鏡癮,大概兩年前開始吧!不同廠牌推出的 Wayfarers,奇型怪狀又或設計簡約,復古前衛七色九彩統統照單全收。熱血程度跟男生愛儲波鞋,女生死買手袋不雙百仲(係,我認我好貪靚甚至俾身邊人話我仲'姿整'過佢,


作為一位熱愛刺青文化的音樂人能夠出版一本論述刺青文化的書籍《tat addicts》只有感恩。 但老老實實我們行走於香港這地土,能以興趣揾到啖吃的實非想像咁易,所以呢Hea hea...你明啦!於是今次12 Glamour x Phat的eyewear企劃概念及創作意念便順章地以刺青客喜愛的圖樣作藍本。暗黑鏡框配'煙Yeung'臂,表面老實但喑Khan唔太客氣。棄用一般的眼鏡盒包裝改用羊皮卷軸式設計能夠與Phat的宗教信仰對號'入筍'。Project Eyewear好嘢好嘢!

至於12 Glamour x Mi$$ Yellow的Sunglasses設計概念則來自夜店。由演員轉型成為Dj後經常穿梭各地夜店工作的她,看到很多愛夜蒲的Clubbers(包括她本人)都喜愛以Sun glasses作搭配Out fit的單品,但半夜三更戴黑超又好似有啲唔自然於是這副Mi$$ Yellow sunglasses就採用上珍珠水銀鏡片,咁就能夠喺夜晚睇嘢睇得清楚之餘又能保持型度囉,哈!咁當然日頭都啱用啦…堅有uv擋到紫外線嘅太陽眼鏡嚟㗎!

未買情人節禮物的朋友們(二月六號)3-6pm選購Phat & Mi$$ Yellow眼鏡會有額外折扣及禮物。

Project Eyewear:銅鑼灣駱克道 518 號2樓

Tel: 28821648


Support Your Local Artists!!!!!

Support Your Local Brands!!!!! PHAT + MI$$ YELLOW x 12 GLAMOUR EYEWEAR LAUNCH PARTY

Date: 6th Feb 2010 Time: 3pm - 6pm Venue: PROJECT EYEWEAR Lockhart Road 518 2/F Causeway Bay Hong Kong.

銅鑼灣駱克道518號2樓 Tel: 28821648

Guests: PHAT + MI$$ YELLOW

Drinks and Food by OUR WONDERLAND for FREEEEEE!!!!

over 14 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Those last shots on the couch in the store window looks great.
over 14 years ago
Photo 214991
over 14 years ago
Img 9226
love da specs
over 14 years ago
Photo 446869
Yo congrats and all da best!!
over 14 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
thanks for the shirt!
over 14 years ago



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