上交通意外。他無奈地背起翅膀,一聲不響的飛走。他帶走了甚麼?又留下了甚麼? 他為著未來而拒絕現在,但未來卻偏偏將他拒絕。
在地上行走,一切講究包裝。自以為事者自己包裝得體之餘仲幫埋你手包,唔問你同意不特止仲言之鑿鑿向外界宣稱所講一切乃事實之全部,並 無加鹽加醋。嗱 好似強國幫第三世界國家包裝成日月無光,鬼哭神號的絕地一樣。我們從未踏足就選擇相信…愚昧度濃過出前一丁嘅豬骨濃湯,比相信初交男友為自己拍下淫照只供 獨家私欣賞一樣無腦,蠢過隻豬。睇人睇事道理雷同。個體户將自己包裝成笑容親切兼吓吓攞個心出嚟咁樣。佢講事實又好,事非又好,膚淺嘅我同你聽他字字真 誠,句句誅機由耳朵速遞到我哋個豬腦,好多時想唔信都幾難啦!真相往往需要時間驗證,事實一定勝過雄辯。情緒病病人被魔鬼醫生禁室陪慾多年,投訴碰釘撞板 更被朋輩冷笑癡咗線……豬腦突然接通《無間道》其中一塲對話-黃sir:琛,做人唔係咁㗎,個世界唔係咁㗎!你一句癡咗線﹑佢一句癡咗線,一個傳一個,想 唔癡線都難啦!人言可畏, 願我能在地上保持清醒﹑客觀。上天保佑!(豬其實一啲都唔蠢,只係懶。在地上行走的,大把蠢過隻豬啦!)Read more
Photo shoot for CITY MAGAZINE two weeks ago and here is the Jun issue. Good to work with them, they make me look totally different, new PHAT/ future PHAT...haha! Not sure about that but the creative director helps me a lot by saying this: Phat, don't look at the camera and try to be cool, the coolest! Pretending you are the most coolest person in the world...! LOL... coolest person in the world..............NAY! haha... Thanks anyway! Read more
Same model earphone my previous blog i mentioned about but difference color, received yesterday night! Thank you Phil and Angelo from AERIAL 7.
THE HEADPHONE I AM USING ISAERIAL 7 Check out their blog too: http://aerial7.com/blog/?p=326
Dear all members, do u love tattoo? do u have tattoo? Do u want to show it to the world? If you do, there is a chance. I am writing my first book since last December, is about tattoo culture in HK, Beijing, Taiwan, Singapore...etc. And i am in Taiwan right now shooting pictures with Mavis Fan. and her band 100%. Besides Mavis, it also feature Daniel Wu, Sam Lee, Prodip Leung, Paul Wong, Gabe Sum, myself and a lot of tattoo artist interviews and photos. If u want to show your tattoo in my book pls send your tattoo pictures Read more
Miami ink guys are in town to filming a new travel program call WORLD TRIBES, i was lucky enough to met Yoji Harada yesterday. He is very nervous to making a tattoo to my friend Leon, a french tattooist who stay in HK now. Read more