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The Doppelganger Name Paradox | 兩人同名,似是而非

Van and I were introduced to Pat Lee ( comic book legend) yesterday by Pat Lee ( tomato cultivating guru).  Pat Lee introducing us to Pat Lee - the utter irony induced a brain hiccup so sudden; it caused an involuntary flying sidekick to burst forth from my foot to the face of the first person to greet me.  Van knew me (and my problem of kicking people in the face when confused) well enough to keep his head low the whole time.


After overcoming the doppelganger name paradox thru the shutting down of my brain via the ingesting of “ beer”, it was pretty much a smooth day for everyone. With V in town for a few days, we decided it was a good chance to meet up with some of our buddies from the AnD club to cook up ideas to entertain both ourselves and the audience.  Despite a black eye received by one of the Pats, lots of cool thoughts came boiling forth from the midst of our extensive discussions, lots and lots of cool things.  So be on the look-out for some interestingly clever collaborative projects from your friends at the AnD club in the nearest of futures.|昨天Pat Lee ( tomato創始領袖)介紹Pat Lee (漫畫傳奇人物)給Van和我認識。Pat Lee介紹Pat Lee —這一意外發生的絕對諷刺之事讓我腦袋抽筋,導致無意識地向第一個跟我打招呼的人突然作了一個側踢。Van了解我(我的毛病是,糊塗了就踢人家的臉),令其之後全程都低著頭。


  |昨天Pat Lee ( tomato创始领袖)介绍Pat Lee (漫画传奇人物)给Van和我认识。Pat Lee介绍Pat Lee —这一意外发生的绝对讽刺之事让我脑袋抽筋,导致无意识地向第一个跟我打招呼的人突然作了一个侧踢。Van了解我(我的毛病是,糊涂了就踢人家的脸),令其之后全程都低着头。


Pat ( tomato cultivating guru) didn’t expect a kick to the eye, but that’s what you get for confusing Yours Truly.

| Pat( tomato創始領袖)沒想到會被踢到眼睛,但這就是讓本人困惑的後果。| Pat( tomato创始领袖)没想到会被踢到眼睛,但这就是让本人困惑的后果。

It was (pretty much) smooth sailing as soon as the beer and chicken arrived (however, notice the “I-told-you-to-duck-but-you-didn’t-listen” gesture directed to Patrick by V.Dubb).


Lesson of the Day – Confusing me in any way whatsoever will most likely lead to a face full of pain.| 啤酒和雞肉一上桌就(異常)順利,(但請註意V.Dubb對Patrick做的手勢:”我告訴你要躲開,但你沒聽”)。


| 啤酒和鸡肉一上桌就(异常)顺利,(但请注意V.Dubb对Patrick做的手势:”我告诉你要躲开,但你没听”)。


16 年多 前 0 赞s  51 评论s  0 shares
Photo 39462
awwww poor Pat!
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
note to self - don't ask Phil confusing questions, may result in unintended injuries...
16 年多 ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
Yeah .. the future plans sound great! Can't wait!
16 年多 ago
01 04 andrew
nice kick!! is pat alright?
16 年多 ago
Photo 41044
Nice kick! I like how everyone's so cool+collected in that picture, lol.
16 年多 ago
Paradox din 81 20131002 din 116 edit
I like this photo.. haha
16 年多 ago



Hong Kong
June 5, 2007