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Workin' and Playin' in Singapore|Workin' and Playin' in Singapore|Workin' and Playin' in Singapore|オン&オフ シンガポールにて

For most of September, I was under the employment of a production company by the name Picstalk in Singapore to choreograph and shoot eight action/stunt/fight sequences for a 13 episode television series dubbed, Mr. and Mrs. Kok, an action-comedic-drama about a married couple of private investigators who solves cases together while experiencing the expected ups and downs of their slightly odd relationship.  It was a rewarding production and I was quite happy with the footage that we were able to shoot and paste together.  Though we did bust our behinds to best match our envisioned ambition to what was eventually captured on tape, my trip wasn't all just about work as I did manage to celebrate my birthday twice, meet up with some good friends, and hang with some very familiar members of the alivenotdead family (as they happened to be in Singapore for an event that I also took part in), all of which were definitely causes for much joy and merriment!



my home-away-from-home (and base of Farmville operations) in Singapore...


look who's face I found covering the walls of the production office!  it's none other than Johnny Lu, not only the new face of Singapore television, but also the homie who recommended me for this gig!



"is this thing on?"


on location...


"I solemnly promise that I will stab someone in the face if I don't get all my shots in today."


first choreographing the fight sequence, than teaching it to the lead actress of the show, Tan Kheng Hua...




"I solemnly promise that I will smash this monitor into someone's face if I don't get all my shots in today."


making stuff up + telling people what to do + looking into a tiny monitor = my job


designing the action and picking the angles to capture it...



on our off days I had a chance to meet up with some pretty super friends...


also had a chance to visit a national landmark and gain confirmation that Faye Valentine did indeed spend her childhood in Singapore...


got a chance to celebrate sister Race-a-Roni's birthday in her home town this year!



our producer Pauline and the crewsurprised me witha cake and song on the set... notice me enjoying the cake with our hilarious leading man, Mark Lee...


the production crew then took me out to a Korean BBQ the next night! woohoo!


sister Rozy and her lovely family taking time out to celebrate my birth anniversary with me, I was very surprised and quite touched :)


absolutely amazing!  I got exactly what I wished and prayed for!



The Alive boys were in town to screen the Heavenly Kings movie and to do a question-and-answer session at the screening location.  Since I was already in Singapore and had the day off, I gladly joined the artiste panel after the showing and had the super-duper opportunity to speak with local Singapore audiences, artistes, and supporters!


looks who's all in town...


pretending to know what I'm talking about during the post-showing discussion panel...


hanging with elvanna and terence...


wished I could have continued to consume more whiskey and the carry-out McDonald's, but alas I had an 8:30am call time the next day...



Pauline and crew took us out for an awesome "Phil-is-finally-going-back-to-Hong-Kong" dinner, which included much delicious food...


great food...


...and great people!


final step before heading back to Hong Kong - cutting up the footage and sticking the pieces back together so hopefully it will all make sense when the sequences are broadcasted onto your television sets!


A big THANK YOU to the entire cast and crew of Mr. and Mrs. Kok for making us feel so welcomed and happy during our time on and off the set in Singapore.  This whole trip was a very positive experience that I will treasure and remember always.  I am happy to say that I have "survived" Singapore and plan on going back for seconds someday soon!| For most of September, I was under the employment of a production company by the name Picstalk in Singapore to choreograph and shoot eight action/stunt/fight sequences for a 13 episode television series dubbed, Mr. and Mrs. Kok, an action-comedic-drama about a married couple of private investigators who solves cases together while experiencing the expected ups and downs of their slightly odd relationship.  It was a rewarding production and I was quite happy with the footage that we were able to shoot and paste together.  Though we did bust our behinds to best match our envisioned ambition to what was eventually captured on tape, my trip wasn't all just about work as I did mange to celebrate my birthday twice, meet up with some good friends, and hang with some very familiar members of the alivenotdead family (as they happened to be in Singapore for an event that I also took part in), all of which were definitely causes for much joy and merriment!


prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /HELLO SINGAPORE! 

my home-away-from-home (and base of Farmville operations) in Singapore...


look who's face I found covering the walls of the production office!  it's none other than Johnny Lu, not only the new face of Singapore television, but also the homie who recommended me for this gig!



"is this thing on?"


on location...


"I solemnly promise that I will stab someone in the face if I don't get all my shots in today."


first choreographing the fight sequence, than teaching it to the lead actress of the show, Tan Kheng Hua...




"I solemnly promise that I will smash this monitor into someone's face if I don't get all my shots in today."


making stuff up + telling people what to do + looking into a tiny monitor = my job


designing the action and picking the angles to capture it...



on our off days I had a chance to meet up with some pretty super friends...


also had a chance to visit a national landmark and gain confirmation that Faye Valentine did indeed spend her childhood in Singapore...


got a chance to celebrate sister Race-a-Roni's birthday in her home town this year!



our producer Pauline and the crewsurprised me witha cake and song on the set... notice me enjoying the cake with our hilarious leading man, Mark Lee...


the production crew then took me out to a Korean BBQ the next night! woohoo!


sister Rozy and her lovely family taking time out to celebrate my birth anniversary with me, I was very surprised and quite touched :)


absolutely amazing!  I got exactly what I wished and prayed for!



The Alive boys were in town to screen the Heavenly Kings movie and to do a question-and-answer session at the screening location.  Since I was already in Singapore and had the day off, I gladly joined the artiste panel after the showing and had the super-duper opportunity to speak with local Singapore audiences, artistes, and supporters!


looks who's all in town...


pretending to know what I'm talking about during the post-showing discussion panel...


hanging with elvanna and terence...


wished I could have continued to consume more whiskey and the carry-out McDonald's, but alas I had an 8:30am call time the next day...



Pauline and crew took us out for an awesome "Phil-is-finally-going-back-to-Hong-Kong" dinner, which included much delicious food...


great food...


...and great people!


final step before heading back to Hong Kong - cutting up the footage and sticking the pieces back together so hopefully it will all make sense when the sequences are broadcasted onto your television sets!


A big THANK YOU to the entire cast and crew of Mr. and Mrs. Kok for making us feel so welcomed and happy during our time on and off the set in Singapore.  This whole trip was a very positive experience that I will treasure and remember always.  I am happy to say that I have "survived" Singapore and plan on going back for seconds someday soon!| For most of September, I was under the employment of a production company by the name Picstalk in Singapore to choreograph and shoot eight action/stunt/fight sequences for a 13 episode television series dubbed, Mr. and Mrs. Kok, an action-comedic-drama about a married couple of private investigators who solves cases together while experiencing the expected ups and downs of their slightly odd relationship.  It was a rewarding production and I was quite happy with the footage that we were able to shoot and paste together.  Though we did bust our behinds to best match our envisioned ambition to what was eventually captured on tape, my trip wasn't all just about work as I did mange to celebrate my birthday twice, meet up with some good friends, and hang with some very familiar members of the alivenotdead family (as they happened to be in Singapore for an event that I also took part in), all of which were definitely causes for much joy and merriment!



my home-away-from-home (and base of Farmville operations) in Singapore...


look who's face I found covering the walls of the production office!  it's none other than Johnny Lu, not only the new face of Singapore television, but also the homie who recommended me for this gig!



"is this thing on?"


on location...


"I solemnly promise that I will stab someone in the face if I don't get all my shots in today."


first choreographing the fight sequence, than teaching it to the lead actress of the show, Tan Kheng Hua...




"I solemnly promise that I will smash this monitor into someone's face if I don't get all my shots in today."


making stuff up + telling people what to do + looking into a tiny monitor = my job


designing the action and picking the angles to capture it...



on our off days I had a chance to meet up with some pretty super friends...


also had a chance to visit a national landmark and gain confirmation that Faye Valentine did indeed spend her childhood in Singapore...


got a chance to celebrate sister Race-a-Roni's birthday in her home town this year!



our producer Pauline and the crewsurprised me witha cake and song on the set... notice me enjoying the cake with our hilarious leading man, Mark Lee...


the production crew then took me out to a Korean BBQ the next night! woohoo!


sister Rozy and her lovely family taking time out to celebrate my birth anniversary with me, I was very surprised and quite touched :)


absolutely amazing!  I got exactly what I wished and prayed for!



The Alive boys were in town to screen the Heavenly Kings movie and to do a question-and-answer session at the screening location.  Since I was already in Singapore and had the day off, I gladly joined the artiste panel after the showing and had the super-duper opportunity to speak with local Singapore audiences, artistes, and supporters!


looks who's all in town...


pretending to know what I'm talking about during the post-showing discussion panel...


hanging with elvanna and terence...


wished I could have continued to consume more whiskey and the carry-out McDonald's, but alas I had an 8:30am call time the next day...



Pauline and crew took us out for an awesome "Phil-is-finally-going-back-to-Hong-Kong" dinner, which included much delicious food...


great food...


...and great people!


final step before heading back to Hong Kong - cutting up the footage and sticking the pieces back together so hopefully it will all make sense when the sequences are broadcasted onto your television sets!


A big THANK YOU to the entire cast and crew of Mr. and Mrs. Kok for making us feel so welcomed and happy during our time on and off the set in Singapore.  This whole trip was a very positive experience that I will treasure and remember always.  I am happy to say that I have "survived" Singapore and plan on going back for seconds someday soon!| 9月の殆ど、僕は『Mr. and Mrs. Kok』っていう13回のTVシリーズの中の8つのアクション/スタント/ファイティング・シークエンスの振り付けの為に、シンガポールのPicstalkというプロダクションで働いてた。『Mr. and Mrs. Kok』は、私立探偵の夫婦が、一緒に事件を解決する過程を通して、彼らのちょっと奇妙な関係に、よくある浮き沈みを経験して行く、っていうアクション・コメディ・ドラマ。働き甲斐のある作品で、僕は本当に僕らが一緒に撮影・編集する事の出来たフィルムに満足してる。自分たちの思い描いたものと最終的に撮影されたものをうまく擦り合わせようとして時間を超過してしまったにしても、僕の今回の旅は仕事が全てだった訳じゃない—僕の誕生日を2回もお祝いする事が出来て、仲の良い友人と会って、お馴染みのalivenotdeadの連中(僕も参加したイベントでシンガポールに来てた)と一緒に過ごして—それら全てが、本当に、喜びと楽しみの源だったんだ。































プロデューサーのポーリーンとクルーは、撮影現場でケーキと歌で僕を驚かせてくれた… 僕が、我等が愉快な主演俳優マーク・リーと一緒にケーキを堪能している様子に注目。




























シンガポールで、撮影中もオフの日も、僕らの事を歓待してくれた『Mr. and Mrs. Kok』のキャストとクルー皆に、最大級の感謝を。今回の旅行に関しては、総てが実に有意義な体験で、これからいつも思い出すだろう僕の大切な宝物になると思う。心から喜んで言えるよ、僕はシンガポールで"生き抜いて"、また直ぐに二度目の訪問を計画中、ってね!

15 年多 前 0 赞s  91 评论s  0 shares
WOw, great to hear you had a good time brother. miss ya man, did you get my text...i said happy birthday...
15 年多 ago
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
wow! I can't believe you had so much fun in just 3 weeks. Singapore does that to people. I sometimes wonder why am I not living there. I say we go back there and maybe we can finally work together.
大约 15 年 ago
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
it's Jack!!
大约 15 年 ago
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
it's yubeng!!
大约 15 年 ago
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
notice how clean the alleyways are in Singapore. You can almost eat off the ground.
大约 15 年 ago
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
I don't think i've ever seen TKH in that position.
大约 15 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
we saw him on TV a lot too...
大约 15 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
oh, thats an oscar worthy look of amazement there...
大约 15 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 77598
hey there! you got back safe and sound. hope you guys are well, and say hi to Jo shifu. my body ached for at least three days after the last day stunts! but i'm well now and spending some time chillin' as well as slowly getting back to work on new project which will start mid oct. keep in touch philip!
大约 15 年 ago
cool ...
大约 15 年 ago
Dsc 1374
damn i missed the only chance to take pic with u during out shoot. glad u enjoyed yourself in singapore!
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 23271
sweet deal dude
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 31454
Don't get mr. KOK mad I'm kidding bro
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 31454
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 31454
Playaaaa j/k haha
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 51673
woo hoo! it was a great gig man, and i loved your stuff! i'm in hk for the next few weeks by the way!
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 51673
yeah but i wasn't drinking, johnny!
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 51673
ha ha thanks dear, but truth be told, i was there for 15 minutes! out here in hk though, i've just spent the whole evening with the gang, and it was great! and yeah, i NEVER woulda had the time to do that back home!
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 553278
maccas ?...lol
13 年多 ago
Photo 553278
lollllllllllllllllllllll wot's yr motivation for this scene? "to get it shot by lunch time"
13 年多 ago
Photo 553278
13 年多 ago
Photo 553278
hey yubie..
13 年多 ago



Hong Kong
June 5, 2007