Can't believe its already April of this year, seems like so many things happned on PikPik since last year, but still haven't updated on the blog for long... ok, here we go... back to 2009 November.
Its Novermber 2009, the 2nd year of Music and Multi-media Arts festival called Clockenflap was back in town, it was held in the futuristic grassland of Cyberport, Hong Kong.
How nice we can have one day out to enjoy the sunshine & picnic in Hong Kong, wine, music & friends, which is not very common here... oh... we love it, & we all miss it like the days we were in Europe!PikPik always love to make friends, and here in Clockenflap, we met this little cute boy Kin! oh my god... who doesn't want this cute DJ baby! he is Japanese & English mixed, and seems like he likes to bite everything... see the pictures...
we met another cute girl Samantha, she is learning to walk, Sam's mother said we shall meet again next year in Clockenflap, till then Sam should be able to dance with us!
... some weird stuff while we were waiting...
photographe someone's toes, they look like PikPik Octopus fingers.
well... just rolling some cigarettes, but since it is not very popular here, whenever we take this out, misunderstanding happens, and from the way it is being twisted, you can tell we are not good at it at all, can't smoke though
finally after dusk, the performance are getting better...
Good to know this interesting duo Yacht, but forget where they come from.