PikPik met 4 artists from Amesterdam earlier, during their stay in Hong Kong for their group exhibition, they did some live performance & little bit of art jamming...with Chaz @ The London Police, the pikpik girls are big fans of them, we get inspired by their work, everytime we look at their characters the Lad and the Dog, they are super cute, and we are feeling so happy, this time Chaz is in Hong Kong, we had a chance to meet him and draw with him, he even gave us some tips how to draw a better line, woohoo~ that's so awesome.
this is Morcky the Morck! Morcky Troubles from Italy
ZoeLydia with our new PikPik Lapin
I somehow think that it looks like Playboy rabbit...
Wayne Horse with the pizza man
me with my PikPik hooked up with Lad
Chaz is a great entertainer, ping pong lottery he was making... but the prize is whiskey shot, puff***
while ZoeLydia was drawing, I kept whispering with her and taking picture
my favourite moment of the night, watching Chaz draws the circle... no matter where he draws, the circle is still a perfect circle, amazing
some other artists join in...
Calvin joins in, that's great! he was adding some nasty essence for PikPik...
The London Police is holding our PikPik umbrella, Calvin added us a barrel, I guess...
our PikPik fans / buddies, all from Australia, Thanks for coming & supporting us.
can you count how many PikPik marks on this piece?
well... this one just came up randomly...
Nice jamming night at No Borders Art.