Something hilarious happened to me this morning, so I gotta write about it. My producer Stanley set up a meeting with a production sound company to discuss finishing up the sound mix for my film The People I've Slept With.So I drove to the studio at 10:30AM in Burbank to meet my producer. As we were escorted into the meeting room with the president, he apologized immediately and shook his head, "I am so sorry. I should have called. I can't really do your film. I just can't."
Stanley and I looked at each other puzzled. I thought he must be either a very busy guy or our budget was simply too low.
"I don't know how to put it but we do family films here." He said curtly and looked at the both of us.
"Okay," I said.
"I saw your film and mailed it back yesterday... and I should have called you but I didn't... I'm sorry to have wasted both of your time," said the president. We all sank into an awkward silence. "But maybe another project but, not this one..."
As Stan and I left the meeting having both driven for 30 minutes, I was simply amused at the fact that the president was offended by our material. Immediately, a colleague walked out and gave us a card. He said that he was sorry but could refer other people who would be glad to do it.
God! Did I make a porn film or something? We certainly struck some chords...
I was both flabbergasted and enlightened that people would find my work shocking or offensive... and I'd consider that the beginning of a feat!