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Quinn Johnson
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Auntie!!!! where you learn how do drive la????

lol really funny video a friend shared with me on fb.

auntie in singapore trying to reverse her car into  a parking spot... and ugh seems to have alot of trouble doing so.


Video: http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUg04hCqGDg&feature=related

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  16 comments  0 shares
that IS funny shit. But looking at the plate numbers, and the language, it's probabaly in malaysia.
almost 15 years ago
Photo 38281
oh in malaysia? i think the building layout looked more sg. so i thought that
almost 15 years ago
Photo 38281
i dont know either why they park that way... but some one told me its coz its easier to get out? but i think its just as easy to back up out of a spot? matter of fact i think its way easier to drive straight in and back out of one... lol its a asia thing...
almost 15 years ago
Photo 38281
well now you cant say that are bad at backing up, because i been all around asia for the past 3years and from what i have seen, asians... are Way better drivers than in the west. given the road conditions here the traffic and motor scooters every where. their skill level is way high at close quarters. its when they start driving in the west... lol... every one drives so damn fast and they are not use to it. and so much open space.... they start to get comfortable and let their guard down. and thats why we get the idea of asians being bad drivers in the west. lol and Alot of them here are really Pro at reversing into a space. but there are always the few exceptions.... like this auntiee.... haha
almost 15 years ago
Photo 38281
lol well id never dare drive here either... its just to scary for me... yet alone CHINA... OMG if anything THAT IS THE WORLDS MOST SCARY PLACE TO EVEN SIT IN A CAB!
almost 15 years ago
Photo 410430
almost 15 years ago
Photo 53024
I think the funnier one is the guy filming the video!
almost 15 years ago


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