Rae Chang
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George Mason University Recap and Photos

Autumn Gem at George Mason

Our third stop in three days (three of seven for the week) took us to George Mason University. We had the pleasure of being toured around the campus by Dr. Karl Zhang, Professor of Chinese Modern and Classical Languages at GMU. It turns out that Professor Zhang did his Ph.D. work at Stanford University the same time that I was an undergraduate. Alas, our paths never crossed, as he was a fuzzy in Lit and I was a techie in Symbolic Systems.

Professor Dan Liu arranged for her Chinese Literature class of about 60 people to watch Autumn Gem at the Student Union II on campus. So, add a third way for us to get students to watch our documentary: food, extra credit, or make it a requirement! Among the other guests at the screening was Ken Lee. His grandmother and grandaunt were heavily involved in the revolutionary movement around the time of Qiu Jin. There is a well-known story of the two where they hid weapons and other contraband in a wedding sedan chair while traveling through China.

Again, one of the more frequent questions we’ve received throughout these screenings is what happened to her family after her death. Strangely, in her entire work of several hundred poems, essays and writings, there’s no mention of her family.

It’s early morning right now on Thursday, October 15. We’re off to Oldfields School in Glencoe, MD, for a talk at the boarding school. Then, we travel back south to the University of Maryland, College Park. Tomorrow, we’ll be taking the train over to New Jersey, where we’ll be screening at Princeton. The memories of college applications and my own high school experience are coming back to me. But, that’s a story for tomorrow!

Until then, here are some photos from our showing at George Mason University!

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*At the Student Union 2 where we held our screening of Autumn Gem at George Mason University.At the Student Union 2 where we held our screening of Autumn Gem at George Mason University. *Prof. Zhang speaks with his colleagues.Prof. Zhang speaks with his colleagues. *Professor Karl Zhang.Professor Karl Zhang. *Karl speaks with Ken Lee.Karl speaks with Ken Lee. *Ken Lee's grandaunt and grandmother were both involved in revolutionary activities around the same time as Qiu Jin.Ken Lee’s grandaunt and grandmother were both involved in revolutionary activities around the same time as Qiu Jin. *Rae speaks with Ken about Autumn Gem.Rae speaks with Ken about Autumn Gem. *Thanks for hosting us at George Mason University!Thanks for hosting us at George Mason University! *Students in Professor Liu's class gather to watch the film.Students in Professor Liu’s class gather to watch the film. *Students in Professor Liu's class gather to watch the film.Students in Professor Liu’s class gather to watch the film. *The view inside the large screening space.The view inside the large screening space. *Professor Liu introduces Karl to the stage.Professor Liu introduces Karl to the stage. *Professor Karl Zhang waits before coming up to the stage.Professor Karl Zhang waits before coming up to the stage. *Organizers photo with Adam and Rae.Organizers photo with Adam and Rae. *Student Union II at George Mason University.Student Union II at George Mason University. *Displays at George Mason University.Displays at George Mason University. *Rolling our hardcase back to the car.Rolling our hardcase back to the car. *Rae with Professor Liu.Rae with Professor Liu. *Rae at George Mason University. Go Patriots! No, not THOSE Patriots!Rae at George Mason University. Go Patriots! No, not THOSE Patriots!

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San francisco, United States
October 16, 2007