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■ ~8/27(wed) ※Work to write column


I went to w-inds. Live Tour 2008"Seventh Ave." @ 日本武道館 ( Nippon-Budokan )!!

I love PUNK and HARDCORE, but pop idols love it, too.

Everybody is surprised to tell this thing.


To tell the truth, I'm w-inds.fans since they debuted.

When w-inds. made their debut, they were really pretty.

And they sang in the very sweet voice of a high tone voice.


But you mustn't despise them with a pop idol.

To tell the truth, It is pain that I finish listening to one piece of Johnny's idol's full album.

Because, their CD often slacken off.

( ※Therefore it is the best to buy their greatest hits album. It's many happy tunes!! )

But, w-inds. sing a lot of very good tunes!! (о'д')b -★

By the way. My seat was the back of the 2nd floor.

換句話講山頂位!! 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。

日本武道館's ceiling and I became Best Friend.

I bought a ticket by reservation given priority.

All the seats were lotteries. I wasn't able to choose it by myself.

( ※Japanese concert ticket reservation is complicated )

I have been forgetting for a long time…… memory to watch a stage from the far-off seat.

Because I only went to the Live House or sat in forward seat, long time.

……But I enjoyed it.

This is this tour's pamphlet( ※all-color photo book ).

This book was expensive……3,000 yen!!!!!!!! ( about 216.36HK$/27.7US$ )



I went to 新宿( Shinjuku )・歌舞伎町(Kabuki-cho)'s theater to watch"男兒本色( Invisible Target )".

房祖名 arrived for an opening greeting.

I went to Asakusa afterwards. It was a day of "淺草( Asakusa ) Samba Carnival"!!

點解喺淺草開samba carnival呀?

The reason seems to give life to Asakusa town.


點解喺淺草開samba carnival呀?( ※repeat )

I can't still understand the reason.

But, Samba Carnival is really pleasant.

However, it rained and stopped on that day.

Therefore my friends and I decided to see carnival from 日式甜品店 ( Japanese dessert and tea room ).

Delicious!! ъ(゚Д゚) 好好味呀~♪ @浅草いず美 ( Asakusa Izumi )

This is "Wine An-Mitsu". ( sweetened bean paste and syrop with red wine )

An-Mitsu is a traditional Japanese dessert.

But will this is variety of An-Mitsu? ( ※wine appears in right side of the pic )

Finally. 淺草寺 ( Senso-ji Temple ) @ night

over 16 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares
Photo 45948
>Pemapema コメント早っ!! (笑) You write comment, so early!! Are your working hours done?
over 16 years ago
Elena dd unset 18
over 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>elena 日本人覺得嘢食需要好色彩同埋四季。 日式甜品好靚架~♪ >andy_lau_spain (ΦωΦ) <fufufufu... If not happy, I can't live. NO PLEASURE, NO LIFE.
over 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>musicnote I'm busy with pleasant things every day. v(`ゝω・´)PEACE☆
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, nice pic!
over 16 years ago
22475 2009020806404418 dot thumb
The statue is awesome!
over 16 years ago


大家好! 呢個係介紹日本文化的blog. (mixture of 日文&中文&英文text...sorry!) I hope you will be a good friend to me. From Tokyo with Love. もちろん日本語で気軽にどうぞ。その方が私は気が楽なので。

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