Excuse me for my long silence.
My work was busy, and I had a lot of thought things.
About Punk Rock, Punk, Punk, Punk.....I thought about Punk Rock this week every day.
Did I keep thinking about the thing for a long time, why?
I love punk rock from adolescence.
After Punk had landed on Japan, Japanese Punk did original evolution.
Japanese grown rich when 80's comes, and dissatisfaction with the society has disappeared as for Japanese young people.
So, Japanese Punk came to do a more extreme performance.
Having given birth by that is Japanese Hardcore Punk.
( ※ Because this topic becomes long, I stop this being written :P )
Because "少年メリケンサック(SHONEN MERIKENSACK)" was a f*** poor movie, I had to keep thinking about punk rock.
But, I think that people other than the Japanese punk rock fan of a generation and me the same do not understand this matter.
I was looking forward to this movie. So, I was sorely disappointed.
My friend of the same age as me (Of course, he is a punk rock fan) also did with me by seeing agreement.
The Stalin 【 Romantist 】 ←Master-piece!!
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Izp8HKXp774
But......you must enjoy this movie as what I said doesn't worry.
A lot of people who do not know 80's Japanese Punk rock's movement should be able to enjoy this movie.
宮崎葵(Miyazaki Aoi) is really very very cute in this movie. :D
※Additional information
I'm a film freak who sees about 250 movies a year in the movie theater.
I do not write the movie's review in this blog because of not good at English. :P
Please read my Japanese blog if you understand Japanese.
This is not wine's decanter.
It is a drawing ink( for drafting ). HUGE!! :P
We...Japanese manga-ka draw comix by using drawing ink.
I think that you have seen small ink on the left side.
But, when the small size ink is used, we will use it up in a short term.
So, this big size ink is bought in the painting materials specialty store. hehe(o'ω'o)
大家好! 呢個係介紹日本文化的blog. (mixture of 日文&中文&英文text...sorry!) I hope you will be a good friend to me. From Tokyo with Love. もちろん日本語で気軽にどうぞ。その方が私は気が楽なので。