I went to 【 DOLL SHOW 23 】@ 浜松町・都立産業貿易center on September 21.
DOLL SHOW is display with the exhibits on sale of the doll and doll's clothes / items.
I actually felt that taking a picture of the doll was very difficult.
Especially, it is difficult to take a picture of Blythe.
Because the head of Blythe is very big, it is difficult to make a good
I can't put in the frame of the camera!!!!! Σ(=Д=ノ)ノ
......Therefore, I gave up and took a picture by a normal composition.
But, taking a picture of the doll noticed that it became study of taking a
picture very much.
Therefore, I will sometimes take a picture of dolls in the future.
These pic's Blythe and Lica-chan are IxTee™ Production's ( from HK ).
MAMACHAPP TOY's "ちっちゃなもこちゃん( Chittyana Moko-chan / Little Moko-chan )"is really cute doll.
Very very good forming!!
But, Moko-chan's new work wasn't made this time.
I regret it.
C.F.AIR FORCE's custom figures were a very very good make.
The rest is "Boobs".
I took a picture of "BIO HAZARD"'s Jill Valentine in the camera angle of "V-Cine"!!
"V-Cine" is abbreviation of "Video-Cinema".
"V-Cine" is "Direct-to-video".
But, it is a special genre's movie in Japan.
Action, Violence, Sex, YAKUZA, and Horror etc. etc.....
( ※ I love V-Cine and 東映's Cinema!! )
azone international's EX☆CUTE is also cute.
Gal's Band!! I love it (o'ω'o)
裴勇俊( Bae Yong Joon ) was enjoying the Pole Dance. 佢係有錢人!! 哈哈哈~。
大家好! 呢個係介紹日本文化的blog. (mixture of 日文&中文&英文text...sorry!) I hope you will be a good friend to me. From Tokyo with Love. もちろん日本語で気軽にどうぞ。その方が私は気が楽なので。