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I went to 【 DOLL SHOW 23 】@ 浜松町・都立産業貿易center on September 21.

DOLL SHOW is display with the exhibits on sale of the doll and doll's clothes / items.

I actually felt that taking a picture of the doll was very difficult.

Especially, it is difficult to take a picture of Blythe.

Because the head of Blythe is very big, it is difficult to make a good


I can't put in the frame of the camera!!!!! Σ(=Д=ノ)ノ

......Therefore, I gave up and took a picture by a normal composition.

But, taking a picture of the doll noticed that it became study of taking a

picture very much.

Therefore, I will sometimes take a picture of dolls in the future.

These pic's  Blythe and Lica-chan are IxTee™ Production's ( from HK ).

MAMACHAPP TOY's "ちっちゃなもこちゃん( Chittyana Moko-chan / Little Moko-chan )"is really cute doll.

Very very good forming!!

But, Moko-chan's new work wasn't made this time.

I regret it.

C.F.AIR FORCE's custom figures were a very very good make.

The rest is "Boobs".

I took a picture of "BIO HAZARD"'s Jill Valentine in the camera angle of "V-Cine"!!

"V-Cine" is abbreviation of "Video-Cinema".

"V-Cine" is "Direct-to-video".

But, it is a special genre's movie in Japan.

Action,  Violence, Sex, YAKUZA, and Horror etc. etc.....

( ※ I love V-Cine and 東映's Cinema!! )

azone international's EX☆CUTE is also cute.

Gal's Band!! I love it (o'ω'o)

裴勇俊( Bae Yong Joon ) was enjoying the Pole Dance. 佢係有錢人!! 哈哈哈~。

16 年多 前 0 赞s  21 评论s  0 shares
Paradox din 81 20131002 din 116 edit
I like this, thanks for sharing.
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>D'in 唔駛~。I like 押井守's film, too!! "紅い眼鏡 / The Red Spectacles" is low budget movie. But, there are various ideas in this movie. Coooool!!
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>andy_lau_spain Bingo!! These dolls are 林正英(Lam Ching Yin)'s movie "殭屍先生 (Mr.Vampire)". Japanese loves Mr.Vampire series. Many of these dolls are very good. It is interesting.
16 年多 ago
Photo 37580
kowaii na...ningyo wa tottemo kowaii. Kedo sa, "the rest is boobs" are cool hehe. (couldn't think of how to say the rest in japanese...dunno if I even said the beginning half right.)
16 年多 ago
this looks very good!
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
these kind are just kinda creepy...
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
its funny, because its true! :-P
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>JV Anata no Nihon-go ga Kawaii desu. Your Japanese is cuter.(*'-'*) Boobs's dolls are really cool!! I love beautiful woman. It is happy that I appreciate the woman. (※I'm not a lesbian. I only like beautiful thing.) >jaymee I also yearn for shape good woman. HOT or COOL, Which do you like? =) >musicnote Do you like SD!? SD is a beautiful and wonderful doll. SD's owners says, "I'm supporting SD" in the meaning "I have SD". mmmmmm..........Love. >StarKiss It wants to do the dressing substitution doll if it is a girl and to play. If it's girls, girls wants to do the dress-up doll and to play. I think that happy to make doll's clothes. >Reni This Cutie Honey is popular among you =) Doll's good point is able to enjoy making clothes. It is interesting to be able to enjoy the difference of the material. >Etchy HAHAHAHA!! creepy!? I also understand what you feel. But, I think that My favor and good forming are another things. ヨン様 was doing enjoying seeing cherry blossom in this spring. LOL He is sure to be done very terrible entertainment. ヨン様 thinks that he knows of the play of a true man. Wow~☆ >andy_lau_spain Fact is, it was "殭屍小子(Japanese title / 幽幻道士)" the most popular. But, this movie's series is Taiwanese movie.....haha Afterwards, Japanese TV station invested and "殭屍小子"'s TV-drama ver. was made. This drama(『来来!キョンシーズ / Lai-Lai Kyonsi's』) was popular among children.
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>R_A_I_N_A Effort and idea that puts up the setting are interesting and very good. Cheers!!
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>rottendoubt If it is not "doll" event but a "figure" event, such a lot of cool figures can be seen. Female guest comes to this event a lot.
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>yenan0406 Doll is girl's dream!! (o'ω'o) Because, Doll can dress clothes that I cann't put on.
16 年多 ago


大家好! 呢個係介紹日本文化的blog. (mixture of 日文&中文&英文text...sorry!) I hope you will be a good friend to me. From Tokyo with Love. もちろん日本語で気軽にどうぞ。その方が私は気が楽なので。


english, cantonese, japanese
November 24, 2007