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Hi, Guys!! How do you doing?

I ran a fever in bed.

My friend gave me her cold......屌!!

Friday of last week, I went to F4 JAPAN TOUR 2008@YOKOHAMA ARENA.

I was expecting even more fun than a concert.

YOKOHAMA ARENA's entrance was decorated with the bouquets that F4's fans had presented them.

Taiwan, HK, Malaysia, Singapore, Korea, Japan, USA, Canada......and, Netherlands and Italy, too!!

What a World Wide idle they are!!

It was a concert that they not only sing, cosplay, and acting.

And Idol's basic style is wear the suit in defferent color. (о'д')b‐☆

It was really a very happy concert.


Our priority is to have sex appeal than appetite for food.

So my friends and I went to the 新横濱拉麵博物館(Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum) before see to the concert.

First of all, we ate 井出商店(Ide Shouten)'s 中華そば(豬骨醤油味 / Mild tonkotsu soy sauce broth).

As for this Ramen shop, the egg boiled with the soy sauce is very delicious!!

We also went to the next shop.

Oh. Please don't worry.

Because, there are ramens "Mini size" in this museum. =P


I ate "赤湯からみそラーメン(赤湯辣醬油拉麵 / soy sauce flavored soup with red hot miso ramen)" in 龍上海本店 (Ryu-Shanghai Honten).

This Ramen's soup is very delicious!! (゚д゚)<yummy~♪

We really enjoyed 新横濱拉麵博物館.

The set like Cinecittà (from Italy) is built in 新横濱拉麵博物館.

Here reproduces the downtown in old Japan.

This is nostalgic 昭和(Showa)'s Japan.

When the pic is taken here, it is very fun.

Japanese style stall

The color of the sky is good☆

"Travelog of Naked Artist"

Do you know 山下清(Kiyoshi Yamashita)?

This is 駄菓子屋(Dagashi-ya).

It is Japanese junk food & toy shop for kids.

And......King of Japanese kidz's junk "soul" food is "うまい棒(Umai-bou)".

うまい棒 has various kinds of flavores.

We bubbled over. hahaha~☆

16 年多 前 0 赞s  37 评论s  0 shares
I am so surprise Ranna! You can speak catonese bad word!! haha~ anyway, take care and don;t easily get the fever again ^_^
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>Reni Hahaha~. I learn easily 粗口. 不過我明白得粗口、冇問題la~(←眞係呀?) 我食咗香港嘅感冒藥就會好番。香港嘅藥、好正!!
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>Pemapema Tonight? I expect that you have a hearty laugh!! F4 concert is a really very fun. Please pay attention to 言承旭!! Keyword is " 旭と森の仲間たち " hahaha~ Have a fun time~♪ LOL 。゚(ノω`゚)゚。 
16 年多 ago
Photo 37580
Cool, Yokohama may be my home in Japan but I've still got so much of it to explore. Never been to the ramen museum before.
16 年多 ago
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is that the real sky? so colorful!
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
16 年多 ago
Paradox din 81 20131002 din 116 edit
very nice photo!! Hope you recover soon
16 年多 ago
very nice photos you took!
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>JV Really? (o'ω'o) Yokohama is very beautiful scenery town. Yokohama is a nearby town of Tokyo soon. But, because Yokohama is culture different from Tokyo, it is interesting. >あおいさん 実は私も常々思うんですよ。 「本店じゃないとあの本当の美味しさは出ない!!」って。 ですが、他の地方の店だとそうもいかないので。 それでも龍上海のスープは美味しかったので、本店はどれだけ美味しかったんだろう、と。 ……というと、あおいさんは山形の方でいらっしゃいましたか。 山形って美味しそうなモノ、色々ありそうだなぁ。ぽわーん。 >Etchy The sky is all fake!! 東宝(※Japanese famous movie company & movie studio)'s SFX art team made the set here. They are artisan who had a wonderful technique. >D'in Thank you for your kind words. My cold has improved a lot. Have a nice stage@Singapore!! >阿肥 Thank you~☆ I am honored to be compliment by the professional cameraman. =P Please do the good performance this time. 一路平安!! >Rioさん HEHEHEHE~☆ Thank you for my taking a picture each other. Let's take a picture in お台場・小香港 next time!! >musicnote Thank you for your kindness. Hahaha~. My blog will up-load a lot of foods in the future. Suffering from hunger!! Ψ(`∀´)Ψhehehe
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>rottendoubt But, Japanese ramen is heavy to eat in the morning......LOL
16 年多 ago
hahahaha~ your catonese is much better than me. I wonder how you sounds like when speak in cantonese ^_^
16 年多 ago
Photo 37580
yeah I get a different feeling from Yokohama compared to Tokyo. I like both places though. Yokohama would seem easier for me to live in though heh.
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>Reni 我淨係識講廣東話。仲有我聽力唔係幾好。 幾時master完廣東話呀、我?(>д<) >JV I'm Tokyo born and bred. Because I have own life style, I don't intend to live except for Tokyo. (Work is very important...) But, the town where I want to live except Tokyo is Yokohama or Osaka.
16 年多 ago
Photo 37580
Good choice with Yokohama hehe, never been to Osaka yet.
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>JV Osaka is an independent state in Japan!! LOL Really powerful & interesting town. >puccacat Please envy me more~!!>Ψ(`∀´)Ψ F4's concert was very very fun!! GooooooooD!!
16 年多 ago
Photo 37580
Really? I never knew that, I just knew there's lots of street vendors and people love to drink there hehe or something like that.
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>JV (ΦωΦ) <fufufu... Osaka is strange town. LOL Even Japanese receives the impact to the Osaka's culture. But, Osaka's food is delicious!! >Pemapema The concert was really fun!! 仔's pilot style is 萌えーーーっ!!
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>lazymardafcuka if you go to this place, you will be able to time slip in Japan of 30,40 years ago. =)
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>medo56 thxxxxxxxxx!!!!!!!!!
16 年多 ago


大家好! 呢個係介紹日本文化的blog. (mixture of 日文&中文&英文text...sorry!) I hope you will be a good friend to me. From Tokyo with Love. もちろん日本語で気軽にどうぞ。その方が私は気が楽なので。


english, cantonese, japanese
November 24, 2007