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There was a photograph that had forgotten to be up-loaded.

I went to "Namaste India"@代々木公園(Yoyogi Park).

"Namaste India" is the maximum India festival in Japan.

Only the Indian had come to this festival before.

以前Namaste India成座重慶大厦咁。=P

However, not the Indian but the Europe and America people had come a lot this

year. Why???

I love Curry. From friend to calling me "Curry man". It is true.

Whenever going to Hong Kong, I eat 咖哩牛腩飯(Curry Beef Flank with Rice) once.

咖哩牛腩飯……It is a curry not eaten in Japan. I love 茶餐廳嘅menu.

Huge elephant

MASALA DOSA Though sometimes considered a breakfast dish, dosas are also eaten at other times of day.

ALOO TIKKI Like a Japanese food "Korokke" with "Baby-star Ramen"!?

JILEBI Jilebi is popular sweets of India. So sweeeet.....

Bindi was sold in the market.

It seems to be able to use Bindi for nail art!! (o'ω'o)

RESPECT Tiger Jeet Singh!!!!!!

※reference image

16 年多 前 0 赞s  13 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha ha, doesn't look like you enjoy it?
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
16 年多 ago
Paradox din 81 20131002 din 116 edit
16 年多 ago
wakakakaka! it's cute!
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>Etchy & D'in ……I noticed now. Is it only in Japan that Tiger Jeet Singh is famous? "India = Tiger Jeet Singh" By saying like this↑, He is a very famous pro wrestler in Japan. =P >rottendoubt This yogurt source is very yummmmmmy!! >Reni This elephants are made from the cloth. Peaceful craft(o'ω'o) >jaymee ゚+。☆We are(・∀・)人(・∀・)companions☆。+゚ >musicnote I also agree to you. Japanese curry does original evolution. Japanese curry is not "Curry". It is correctly calling, "Curry-rice(※Curry & rice)".
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
no, not famous outside of japan (at least not famous in the west or China/HK...) there used to be similar 'ethnic stereotype' pro wrestlers in the US (look up 'Iron Shiek', etc) but nowadays i think there's fewer...
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>Etchy waa...He was not famous outside of japan(-_-;) Tiger Jeet Singh is as famous as Iron Shieks in Japan. 'Ethnic stereotype pro-wrestlers' appears in the Japanese independent pro-wrestling as usual. :) ethnic, horror etc......We (Pro-wrestling mania) call them "Mysterious sect". LOL >Pema-tan komoaida kara anata ga nihon-go wo Roman alphabet de wuttekurunoga omosirosugi nandesuga!!
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>TriniBlasian Wow!! Really? What a coincidence!! (o'ω'o) I ate Jilebi for the first time on this day. It's a very simple taste, I thought nostalgia~♪ I liked it!!
16 年多 ago


大家好! 呢個係介紹日本文化的blog. (mixture of 日文&中文&英文text...sorry!) I hope you will be a good friend to me. From Tokyo with Love. もちろん日本語で気軽にどうぞ。その方が私は気が楽なので。


english, cantonese, japanese
November 24, 2007