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Tonight, The color of the light in TOKYO TOWER was pink.

Because, October is the pink ribbon campaign month.


At a time like this, my friend's keeping cat operated on the breast cancer. ・゚・(。>д<。)・゚・

Her operation seems to succeed, and seem her keep well. ε-(。・д・。)

By the way, She seems to be putting on the Elizabethan collar, now. Hahaha~.

Do you know the Elizabeth collar?

An Elizabethan collar is a protective medical device worn by an animal, usually a cat or dog.

Shaped like a truncated cone, its purpose is to prevent the animal from biting or licking at its body or scratching at its head or neck while wounds or injuries heal.

Of course, the collars are named from the ruffs worn in Elizabethan times.

(※From Wikipedia)

Are it only pets in Japan that put on the Elizabethan collar?

Dog and cat are cutely at the look of no tension .....(´・ω・`)


16 年多 前 0 赞s  12 评论s  0 shares
Paradox din 81 20131002 din 116 edit
hope the cat gets better.
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>D'in Thank you for your kindness. I tell her your message. =)
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
is that the real name for it? we usually it call it the 'lamp shade'
16 年多 ago
16 年多 ago
Elena dd unset 18
O..this cat so cute
16 年多 ago
Photo 37580
Pink tokyo tower?? So cool...and I hate pink but that's cool. Man I wanna move to Japan so bad...=( heh. My dog had to wear one of those a few months ago, had to get a bunch of tumors taken out and so had to wear it to make sure she wouldn't lick her stitches. People should have to wear those when they get stitches too to make sure we don't infect them with our tongues either.
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>andy_lau_spain Fact is, Tokyo Tower sometimes discolors. Please look at this Tokyo Tower's site. http://www.tokyotower.co.jp/333/07_secret/index_05.html &quot;The Matrix Reloaded ver.&quot;is the most cool I have ever saw. >Etchy Hahaha!! &quot;lamp shade&quot;!!!!! (`・ω・´)/ <This real name is &quot;Elizabeth collar(エリザベス・カラー)&quot;. It is true!! ......I think that the joke became true. >musicnote Thank you~☆ I'm glad of your kind words. This Tokyo Towe's pic was taken from Roppongi(六本木). There were a lot of people who were taking the Tokyo Tower's pic. >Reni (´・ω・`) or (´-ω-`) ←Useally, such expressions cats &amp; dogs. hahaha~. >Pemapema She is Shinbo-san's keeping cat. BTW, I finished Pre-Reserve@TIFF, this morning. and 秋生&amp;鎮宇 comes to Japan. I pervaded my mind than TIFF of this thing↑ this year. (*´д`*)~♪ Do you go on business? (ΦωΦ)fufufu... >jaymee Oh, Did't you know still? It was still named Elizabethan collar@Japan. They are poor to put up the collar......But, it looks still cute. hahaha >elena This cat's expression......giving up escape from Elizabeth collar. haha~ >JV Your dog also was putting on the collar. Take care...... However, the invention of this collar is wonderful. To the best of my memory, It is a famous animal novelist in Japan that made this collar.
16 年多 ago
Photo 37580
Really? Would make sense that a Japanese invented that.
16 年多 ago


大家好! 呢個係介紹日本文化的blog. (mixture of 日文&amp;中文&amp;英文text...sorry!) I hope you will be a good friend to me. From Tokyo with Love. もちろん日本語で気軽にどうぞ。その方が私は気が楽なので。


english, cantonese, japanese
November 24, 2007