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Shiba Inu's Puppies Live Cam

I seem to wet my pants now. Sorry...As a matter of fact, I have wet my pants a little. :P

Because Siba-inu(※Japanese dog / 柴犬)'s 6 puppies are soooooooooooooo cute!!

I want to keep seeing this live camera all through the day.

Anyway, if this live com is seen, you will be sure to become very happy!!

But, puppies are sometimes gone from the camera front. XDXDXD

Video: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/shiba-inu-puppy-c Live Broadcast by Ustream.TV

16 年多 前 0 赞s  13 评论s  0 shares
Photo 45948
>MissScarlett Japan is a morning now. Therefore, puppies doesn't move because they are still sleeping. As you say, Such happiness cannot be bought with money. (o'ω'o) >andy_lau_spain Wow!! Raul is writing Japanese!!
16 年多 ago
is 柴犬 different with 秋田犬?
16 年多 ago
Oh I remember 森田真法 got a comics called 柴犬.
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>Reni 柴犬 and 秋田犬 are different kinds of dogs. 秋田犬 is big dog. 我唔知道呢本森田真法嘅漫畫……How I do not read the cartoon has come to light. (-_-;)
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>rottendoubt & musicnote Because these puppies were too cute, I was not able to work yesterday...... I was able to be seen mother dog suckles to puppies. :D
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>miseryguts They grow up fast every day. I'm very fun in seeing it. The event occurs here sometimes. LOL
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>Engeliz Do you understand Japanese? :) Because I look at them every day, I am already their owner's feelings. XDXD
16 年多 ago


大家好! 呢個係介紹日本文化的blog. (mixture of 日文&中文&英文text...sorry!) I hope you will be a good friend to me. From Tokyo with Love. もちろん日本語で気軽にどうぞ。その方が私は気が楽なので。


english, cantonese, japanese
November 24, 2007