Official Artist
Raven Tao
Actor , Fashion / Costume Designer , Model
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With love from Bleu

 Awww, My mother just emailed me this. Wherever you are Bleu, I send love and wish you all the best! Come find me on FB! RavesHi Raven****  I was just surfing the net and came across this.  What a lovely writeup.  Was not sure if you would have seen it at the time.  It is a year old, weird.... on its anniversary****  LoveMum****  ****  ****  Bleu   shanghai beijingPosted at 10:08am on Monday, January 11th, 2010Raven,

Kelly just showed me this link and i of course pressed on your name.  

I dont know if you can recall but i worked with you 2-3 times 6-7yrs ago when i was living in hk. you my dear..have fantastic skin and a very humble personality. something that i feel most models lack. I still have a blurry image of when i first met you for this job...we were doing some demo for makeup and as i spotted you...i thought you had already put make up on. little did i know as i got close and started to work together..you had natural pink lips and skin to die for...plus eyebrows that needed nothing but it natural beauty. i for one think that you havent change at all since i last saw you. in fact to me you look younger in this photo. i give you a big compliment by telling you that i am REALLY bad with names...though i raved about you to your agent and did it again after this other group shoot with several models involved..and then there was one more but i don't remember ..anyways. i believe beauty is not just from the outside...its also what you have inside.since i have met you and talked to you ..i know that you are worth being a girl to envy. yes boys..this one is worth admiring. polite and very humble..plus P.S i was having easy time working on your face and i think i could of done nothing yet people still would of thought i worked on it...u have a smile and face that really does make even me remember.and trust me. i have worked on a lot through these last 15yrs. hope all is well. keep up the good work!!!hope   Hong KongPosted at 1:59pm on Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

over 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


You are a wonderful creation. You know more than you think you know, just as you know less than you want to know. - The Picture of Dorian Gray

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