Rayve Zen
Actor , Director , Singer , Comedian
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I'm extremely sad. Almost depressed I cannot be in Singapore for the Incubus concert tomorrow. I've seen them thrice live and know most of their songs, dating all the way back to the Fungus Amongus album, by heart. When I was 16, I lied to my parents about a group trip and travelled to Kuala Lumpur all alone in a bus just to see them live in a concert. I grew my hair out like Brandon and played their songs in my happiest and saddest days.

This photo was taken at the Incubus concert 3 years ago where I jumped, headbanged and rocked the shit out of myself and everyone around me. They are my favorite fucking band. All the people at the concert tomorrow. HAVE FUN FOR ME!

incubus #incubusinsingapore #upsurgeproductions #rocknroll

over 6 years ago 16 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Rayve Zen 郑维杰 is a screen and stage actor, writer and television personality currently based in Hong Kong and Singapore.

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Member Since
January 27, 2016
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Languages Spoken