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Red Bull Music Academy Infosession

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<![endif]The Red Bull Music Academy On The Floor Hong Kong


The RBMA is about music exchange, establishing a platform for bringing together up & comers and established artists from all over to share their secret audio settings and inspiring life experiences. As part of this initiative, a music info-session is planned On The Floor with invited artists to share their musical knowledge to you!


Details are as follows:

Date       :    7 May, 2010 (Friday)

Venue      :    Play (Basement, California Tower, 32 D'Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong, Central)

Time          :     6:00pm (Red Bull Music Academy On The Floor infosession)

Guests      :     DJ Siesta from Shanghai, DJ Frankie Lam, MC Gold Mountain, DJ Yodie, Simon Griff (of Violent Jokes). Moderated by ST Choi Sai Ho

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Please RSVP to:Eric Thain at eric.thain@hk.redbull.com

14 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
can't wait, it should be a great event.
14 年多 ago



english, cantonese
Hong Kong
April 18, 2008