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Red Bull
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(Successful) 2nd meeting!

An update from one of our teams "Special Moments"

Today we had our second (partly) successful meeting. Why do I say 'partly'? Well, we met today to start shopping for materials for the plane... and also look at costumes, but then NOTHING was open... the shop we originally wanted for costumes wasn't open!!!

Next, we went to look for the hardware - and guess what, it's SUNDAY and it's everyone's day of rest apparently...

Our most successful task of the day was meeting with Tiberius Productions... I'm guessing we may have scared them off and they won't use us for the Pre-production filming... We practically drowned out the whole Starbucks with our rowdy behaviour...and it's not even the whole crew! Imagine what it'll be like when we have everybody!!

about 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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