Red Dog - my official artist profile
Red Dog
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About Red Dog

REDDOG, was set up by Timon Wehrli in 1995. Galleri magazine was set up by Timon and Jay from China stylus, in 2007......check it out,........

Red dog studio was established in 1995 by Timon Wehril.

Originally from England, he began his photography career in Los Angeles in 1988, after studying at the Royal College of Art and Design in London

| Red Dog Studio 在1995年,由Timon Wehril 成立。 原本在英國,就讀於英國倫敦皇家藝術與設計學院, 於1988年他在洛杉磯開始了他的攝影生涯.

Interesting facts about Red Dog

Languages Spoken english, cantonese
Location Hong Kong
English Name Red Dog Studio
Member Since January 25, 2008
Fans 90
Profile Views 115,288


REDDOG, was set up by Timon Wehrli in 1995. Galleri magazine was set up by Timon and Jay from China stylus, in 2007......check it out,........


english, cantonese
Hong Kong
January 25, 2008