Official Artist
Roger De Leon
DJ , Graphic Designer , Toy / Figure Designer
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Hennessy Artistry Tour

Re:Flex is on the move!

So I fly out to Beijing in the morning to start on the Hennessy Artistry Tour 2009. Stay tuned for updates along the way, but most likely when I get back to local soil :) Any AlivenotDead Artists in Beijing on Thursday night, hit me up! Maybe we can meet up. As for anyone else, you can catch the tour on the following dates/cities:

Sept 18, Tianjin

Sept 19, Shenyang

Sept 25, Guangzhou

Sept 26, Wuhan

Nov 20, Hangzhou

Nov 21, Nanjing



over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
Awesome dude..They'll let ANYBODY in China these days!! Congrats!
over 15 years ago


Re:Flex is @ WeSC JAM SESSION - May 6th W/ Strech Armstrong (nyc) & Yasumasa Yonehara (jpn) SPEAK UP! Wednesday May18th @ Philia Lounge HK's orig

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english, spanish
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Hong Kong
Member Since
February 28, 2008