I know its been a long time since my last blog, but I like to think its because I've been busy.
And its true. We've started a new party series last month called ///DEVIATED/// that many of you attended. The first party was off the hook! Thanks to all of you that came out! Check the art I did for the event below.As a giveaway, we prepared USB drives with mixes from all the DJs. I will get that up on Soundcloud shortly.
Also, you can see all photos from the event HERE.
As always, thanks to EVENT photographer Elden Cheung!DEVIATED VIDEO COMING SOON!__________________________What im really excited about this week tho is
JAM SESSION. So, i've teamed up with the boys at WeSC to help launch this amazing party/jam. I'll be DJing the event.Its gonna be a crazy night full of music, dancing, live performances, illustration and Art. See you all there!__________________________Also in the pipeline - New collabo with Filthwear clothing creator Christian Keith, to create a new brand. Details to come soon!Its good to be back in cyber space..-Flex
Re:Flex is @ WeSC JAM SESSION - May 6th W/ Strech Armstrong (nyc) & Yasumasa Yonehara (jpn) SPEAK UP! Wednesday May18th @ Philia Lounge HK's orig