richard trombly
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SIM DIGITAL BEIJING Labor film contest : Honoring workers

SIM DIGITAL BEIJING Labor film contest : Honoring workers

The month of May begins with Labor Day, and no one works harder than film crews on set for 48 hours straight! There’s no respite until every scene is shot!




SIM Digital ( equipment rental) and 7 Horns ( scrīpt and subtitle translation)  salute all of Beijing’s hard working cast and crew with this new event! We’re calling upon all independent filmmakers and commercial studios to rise to the challenge and shoot a new short video for us to judge and reward!

为此,SIM Digital电影器材租赁公司和7 Horns (七角创作室,主营字幕和剧本翻译)将举办一场别开生面的庆祝劳动节的活动!我们将为电影工作者和广告工作室举办一场奖励丰厚的短片比赛!

The contest winner will be determined by the organizers and by audience votes. A 10,000RMB equipment voucher prizeprovided by SIM Digital is up for grabs! That’s enough to shoot a long project with a SONY PMW-EX3, Canon 5D MK III, or a Canon C300. It’s enough to shoot a short project with a RED MX, a RED Epic, a SONY F5, or an ARRI ALEXA. We’re talking about the whole package here! Not just the camera body!

SIM Digital can provide your project with more than just cameras and lenses. Just call for any gear you need!

冠军将由组织者和观众投票共同评出,奖品为由SIM Digital摄影器材公司提供的价值10000元人民币的代金券!

10000元在SIM Digital 可以租到什么呢?

1.    一台SONY PMW-EX3, 一台Canon 5D MK III, 或 Canon C300。可进行较长时间的拍摄。

2.    一台RED MX, 一台 RED Epic, 一台SONY F5, 或者一台ARRI ALEXA,可进行较短时间的拍摄。


SIM Digital公司不仅为客户提供摄影机和镜头租赁,还有各种设备任您挑选!

The theme of this contest is  work . Good, solid, bread winning, hard and under-appreciated labor. We want your short narrative works to exemplify this theme, and remind audiences that civilization rises on the backs of those who struggle for a day’s wage.

此次比赛的主题——劳动。 那些优秀的,辛勤的,挣扎的,有创造性的,被低估的劳动者。 我们希望参赛者以故事短片的形式展现这个主题,并能够传达给观众“劳动人民创造文明”的信息。

Shorts must be between 4 and 7 minutes in length, and delivered in a standard SD or HD video format, or at least DVD NTSC or PAL.

Quicktime .mov, or Windows .avi files are perfectly acceptable, so long as they’re using common codecs such as H.264.

短片时长限制为4—7分钟,请参赛者以标准的SD或HD视频格式发给我们,如果实在困难,也可接受DVD NTSC或 PAL格式。 如果参赛者使用H.264解码器,也可将短片以Quicktime, .mov或 Windows .avi文件的形式发送参赛作品。

All shorts must be intelligible in Chinese Putonghua, or have Chinese subtitles.


Shorts must be delivered to us at SIM Digital, or uploaded to our FTP server, before May 13. So you have a little over two weeks to make something special to show your peers!

参赛作品须在2013年5月13日前送达SIM Digital, 或上传到我们的FTP服务器。各位还有将近三周的时间准备您的短片,赶快行动起来吧!

Selected shorts, and that hopefully means all of them, will be initially screened at Salsa Caribe on Sunday, May 19, in the afternoon from 2pm to 7pm. After the screening there will be free Salsa dancing lessons at 8pm!

Shorts will be screened again and winners announced the following weekend, May 25 and 26, at a new venue called TOUCH, that is right next to Salsa Caribe.

选中的短片作品(我们会尽量放映全部作品)将于5月19日下午14:00-19:00间在Salsa 卡利宾进行首次放映,于5月25日和26日在TOUCH酒吧进行再次放映,并宣布获胜者。

Inline image 1

So, to lay it all out for you-


WHO: SIM Digital  video equipment rental

with 7 Horns  scrīpt and subtitle translation

welcoming YOU, all movie studios and independent artists in Beijing!

主办方:SIM Digital 摄影器材租赁公司

7 Horns  七角创作室,字幕剧本翻译公司


WHAT: To submit new, fun short movies shot around this time, around Labor Day in May, for a contest screening at which the winning entry will receive a 10,000RMB equipment rental voucher from SIM Digital.

比赛内容:在劳动节期间征集相关主题的短片,并举行放映,胜出者将获得由SIM Digital提供的价值10000元人民币的摄影器材租赁代金券!

WHEN: Start planning and shooting now! Send us your short movies before May 13!

Screenings will take place on Sunday afternoon, May 19, with further voting and winners announced on Saturday May 25 and Sunday May 26.

时间:   各位电影工作者和爱好者们,就是现在!




You can drop off your work at SIM Digital any weekday between 9am and 5pm,


BaiJiaZhuang Xiezilou building, C101, just east of the corner of Workers Stadium South Road and South Sanlitun Road.

ask for Peter,  13146388904

Or you can send us an e-mail requesting access via FTP software to our online archive.

Screenings will take place at Salsa Caribe on Sunday afternoon, May 19, and again next door, with further voting and winners announced at TOUCH, on Saturday May 25 and Sunday May 26.

Salsa Caribe is located at:  三里屯南街凯富大厦旁电机研究院院内

That’s in the little area of bars just off of Sanlitun South street. Take the first left and go thru the parking gate, pass the Bookworm on your right, then turn right and you’re just about there!

TOUCH is in the big wall of flashy lights next to Salsa Caribe, to the right of their entrance.


  1.     邮寄。 地址:白家庄写字楼商务中心C101,在工人体育场南路和南三里屯路往东走

2.    您也可在周一至周五9:00-17:00间亲自造访!

3.    发送邮件至 petersallade@gmail.com, 获取通过FTP服务器上传的方式。






The best way for movie makers in Beijing to get to know each other and form new partnerships for new projects is for everyone to watch each others shorts and talk to the producers and directors in attendance!

Also, the contest organizers make no claim to distribution rights or use of any submitted content. Your movie is sent to us to screen a few times and judge for the prize, that’s all!





There is NO entry fee!

reply this e-mail address or to  petersallade@gmail.com

with answers to these questions. Do this, and you are registered for the contest!

  1. What is your name?

  2. What is the name of your group- the team responsible for creating the short movie you are submitting!

  3. What is your usual title, company, or role in movie making?

  4. What is your phone number?

  5. Would you be willing to include the attached SIM Digital logo as a frame in the opening titles of your short movie?

  6. What is your favorite camera, lighting rig, filter, or other essential movie making tool?


首先声明: 我们不收取任何形式的参赛费和报名费!

请发送电子邮件至 petersallade@gmail.com, 回答以下问题。

1.    姓名

2.    参赛作品的创意团队的简短介绍

3.    所属公司和担任职位

4.    常用电话号码

5.    你是否愿意在影片开头加入SIM Digital公司的logo?

6.    你最喜欢使用什么类型的摄影机,灯光,色片或相关设备?


Peter:  13146388904(英文)

李煦: 15910912892 (中文)


If you are receiving this e-mail and do not like movies, but rather prefer to have fun with tires, or if you like movies and also like tires, all foreigners are invited to the  China(GuangRao)International Rubber Tyre and Auto Accessory Exhibition.

Please click the link and register for an all-expenses paid vacation to Guangrao, Shandong province from May 15 – 17.


If you are a Chinese filmmaker or student who can speak some English and you are looking to travel abroad, the  Cinemandamare Institute in Rome, Italy welcomes you to join their program! If you can make it to Italy on your own, they will provide free housing for you and a stipend for food expenses while you work with other young filmmakers from around the world! Please e-mail Paola Cerruto at marketing@cinemadamare.com

for more information!

大约 11 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


Richard Trombly richard@trombly.com www.obscure-productions.com is an American writer, journalist and filmmaker who has been living in China since 2003 and has


english, mandarin
Shanghai, China
June 26, 2008