Robert Vicencio
导演, 製片人, 歌手
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Chilling out in Shanghai


“Come to the edge, he said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. They came. He pushed them and they flew.”

Woke up at 1:30pm.... exactly the sleep in I needed...


Went ot Qi Pu Lu (sounds like Cheap-o Loo) basically the cheapest place to buy clothes, shoes, sun glasses...you name it, they've got it! After getting 2 pairs of jeans, 2 t-shirts, gym pants, and an ice-cream, we headed to Tai Kang Lu on the infamous biker bro... had 2 near death experiences as we almost hit a bus then hit another bike.... but that's how it goes here in Shanghai...

Had lunch at a nice cafe called MAUI CAFE.. met the owners from Taiwan who turn out to be Make-up artists as well... Quite suprised how Tai Kang Lu seems to be sprawling and growing from within... definitely now a hot spot and must see for anyone coming in... meeting the owner we got nice VIP cards giving 20% off!

While having lunch, bumped into James Chau  the Host from CCTV who we've met before... he was with a good friend of ours Harry who owns YOGA PLUS here in Shanghai...

After Lunch, went home, did some work then straight to the GYM! Doing well and need to keep it going...

After the Gym, went back to the same MAUI CAFE where I met my good friend Charles... an young entreprenaur in the dot.com industry setting up HQ here...

接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
I went to QiPu Lu just once during the time I lived in Shanghai. That place is such a mad-house. I guess it was the time of day or something, but finding a cab afterwards was a nightmare too -- even for Shanghai standards. Definitely cheap clothes though ... but I will probably stick to my vendors on Nanjing Lu, since they give me good prices. ;-) Thanks for the Shanghai tid-bits though. I kinda miss it up there ... it's been a while ...
接近 18 年 ago
12342466 10154040700800681 1629065025898785259 n
G'day Narom... Mad house indeed! That's what it's like NORMALLY! Any season! Yeah... cabs a nightmare, that's why "Biker Bro" is best! I think Shanghai is calling your name...
接近 18 年 ago


Conceive. Believe. Achieve.


Shanghai, China
May 14, 2007