Woke up at 7:15am this morning!!! Now thats an early one! We spent most of the day on location filming for my new project.... 3 locations : 1. In a cab 2. In a store and in a cafe in Tai Kang Lu.
For those who dont know, Tai Kang Lu is one of the newest and trendiest areas of Shanghai.... cool, hidden with great little cafes, stores and artsy fartsy shops selling anything from paintings, pottery, candles and many other cool stuff!
After filming I realised a timed it perfectly to rush hour, to get to Xin Tian Di for a dinner meeting.... so having no cabs in sight, I do what the locals do and catch what I call a " Biker Bro"... basically a Motorbike Taxi! Goto Xin Tian Di in 12 minutes rather than probably 45!!!
Look forward to the weekend.....