Official Artist
Robert Vicencio
Director , Producer , Singer
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“The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.”

Well guys, just found out my landlord wants to increase the rent since my 1 year contract is about to come up.... thinking long and hard on what to do, I'll definitely start looking for another place close to my office but if I cant do it in time, I may just bit the bullet and stay another year.... it's a great place anyway and I hate the moving around since for 8 years of my life doing miss saigon, I literally lived out of a suitcase... or should I say, SUITCASES!

Anyway... straight after a meeting with my landlady, I went straight to my gym and tried to release the tension! Had a great workout!

At around 8:30pm went to a nice house warming party and as Shanghai is renowned for, met a lot of friends that I didnt know knew them... if that makes sense! I guess in a nut shell, Shanghai is a Big town but a small world!

As soon as I get the pics from my friends, I'll add them in!

Almost time for bed!

Buona notte!

almost 18 years ago 0 likes  18 comments  0 shares
12342466 10154040700800681 1629065025898785259 n
Cheers for that! I'll keep you posted! Where you living now? If its ASIA... its definitely late! ;o)
almost 18 years ago
12342466 10154040700800681 1629065025898785259 n
got it! ;o) Enjoy your lunch... my breakfast soon!
almost 18 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yes. moving sucks!
almost 18 years ago
12342466 10154040700800681 1629065025898785259 n
LA BONITA : In Shanghai you can do both! PLEASURE & STUDY! Though one may out weigh the other at times ;o)
almost 18 years ago
12342466 10154040700800681 1629065025898785259 n
MOMMY MOK : Thats a good idea! Taking pics of old NIC NAKS! Actually just gave me a wonderful idea for a new website! ;o) THANKS for the INSPIRATION!
almost 18 years ago
12342466 10154040700800681 1629065025898785259 n
Will keep you all posted if I find anything new! Should have some progress in the next week or so! Thanks for all your support! ;o)
almost 18 years ago
12342466 10154040700800681 1629065025898785259 n
MOMMY MOK : Still trying to find a way to materialise your idea!
almost 18 years ago
12342466 10154040700800681 1629065025898785259 n
REN REN : WOW! Sounds like you have been moving around! Yeah... I am considering it... Will be looking at a few new places today! Keep you posted!
almost 18 years ago


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Shanghai, China
Member Since
May 14, 2007