Official Artist
Robert Vicencio
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the AIRCON SAGA continues..........


“Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying,"I will try again tomorrow.”


Well, wow... what a day.... let me give you the background :


We signed our lease at our office with a special deal as my Auntie runs the building, but one condition was that the "aircon" was not included as it was already "broken"... however.... we tried it and it was working fine.... ONLY thing was that outside where the air was circulated, was noisey. As you'll see in the pic below, our back street in our office is quite slim.... basically the trouble came when our neighbour opposite the aircon started complaining about the noise!


Apparently the noise was "sooo loud" that it was giving him headaches, making their computer screens go all fuzzy and every possible thing go wrong due to the "noise" of the aircon... well... our point was simple, with 8 - 10 people in one room... we coudnlt of course TURN it OFF!


We told the management, but due to reasons "beyond their control", they didnt want to take any responsibility, (by the way, my Auntie at the moment is away for about 2 months)... we didnt want to pay for it as it's not our responsibility, and this neighbour guy of course wansnt going to chip in.


Finally tempers flared and he threatened to do something to the aircon... the next day we noticed he was speaking more to the security creating his "guan xi"... and hanging around our area more than usual.... well... one week later (yesterday) ... the aircon died! Just suddenly stopped working! To cut a long story shorter, we found out that the wires were CUT then taped again to hide the cut. The locals said that we couldnt do anything since there is no evidence and he apparently has been there for many years.... you be the judge....


Here's our back street:


Now here's the cable that was "uncovered"......




Kinda speaks for itself!


As I always say... what goes around, comes around! I'll of course keep you all posted on that......  


almost 18 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
so now that the AC is destroyed, doesn't the landlord have to fix it? at least its a good reason to break the lease.
almost 18 years ago
12342466 10154040700800681 1629065025898785259 n
PICKLES : haha! I'm sure of that... ! ;o)
almost 18 years ago
12342466 10154040700800681 1629065025898785259 n
ETCHY : Unfortunately not with our special case.... not too worry! All is being sorted as we speak! Just a few leaks with the pipes then all is sorted
almost 18 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yeah, but whats to keep them from doing it again and again? you better hire some thugs to shake down those guys from across the alley!
almost 18 years ago
12342466 10154040700800681 1629065025898785259 n
hmmmm....the thought did cross my mind...We're doing our background checks on this guy... you guys ready to see what he looks like?
almost 18 years ago
12342466 10154040700800681 1629065025898785259 n
REN REN : We have thought of that! All is being sorted out! Will keep you posted!
almost 18 years ago


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