Official Artist
Rob Lok
Actor , Producer
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Hey, YOU try to run around in your undies THEN you can talk to me about shrinkage!!

Okay, okay

So I vetoed the Fruit of the Looms Whitey Tiighties

So I doubled up on my boxers

Ech, what can I say?

oh, sorry, I'm having one of my freaky internal debates where I watch some of my work and completely tear it apart.

And guess what?

I get to share it with you

and you

and you and you and you

What am I watching? Well, take this commercial for Delay No Mall that we just finished.

Not only am I thinking, ouch, should have done that, yoy, should have done that

I'm also thinking...

Good Grief! I should eat more!

Yep, not good being a Virgo and a Horse

well, overall, it's some good stuff, so check it out

I'm changing like Superman but he happens to have a better suit than I do

Note to Future Superheroes: It takes longer to take off your pants, forget what you see on TV

Simon was giving me a bit of direction.

One of them was" Hey Dude, Go run across the street and try to get people to help you!"

Of course, being the stand up guy that I am, I ran across the street trying to get complete strangers to untie me.

Stranger #1: Ahhh!!!

Stranger# 2: (Runs away)

Stranger# 3,4, 5, 6, and 7: High School Students that just stood there as I bumped into them with this fantastic look of boredom splashed across their faces

Bhavini and VMC looking way too hot together.

Bee was aces in helping us out and carrying this backpack that weighed about 3 elephants

or the amount of make up VMC carries in his bag

give or take

love ya!

Okay, you put your right foot in, you put your right foot out

Doing the let's try not to get run over dance

Pick an ASS any ASS

Trying to figure out the traffic pattern so I don't become road kill

You looking at me??!!

oh wait, he's not..

Oh, and if you haven't checked it out yet

Our new web content is up with LOADS of new info on us, the show, and

the big NYC Block Party we're throwing in November

Alive Not Dead is going to post some info soon but wanted to give you guys who actually read this a heads us since you can rsvp only a short period of time


see you all down the road

about 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
Photo 64681
about 16 years ago
Photo 34128
Your mother must be so proud. Ha, ha. Funny post, dude. When are you going streaking in Beijing?
about 16 years ago


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Member Since
May 19, 2008