Official Artist
Rob Lok
Actor , Producer
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The photo of the teaser for the trailer of that promo...

CB FRESH is salivating with the idea that they will get to stage dive and crowd surf at Hardpack's party next Wednesday! In preparation for the good times ahead, here's a sneak peek of what's coming up as part of our Human Survival Series ( previous here and here)Can you dig it!?!?![](/attachments/2008/11/85461_200811161342091.thumb.jpg)Stay tuned for the real deal!

about 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
I'm going to try to make it down to hardpacks show. Better do something crazy...just because.
about 16 years ago
Photo 61
Dig Dugin and Dugged!!!.....U guys bring nice vibes!!!....U guys are the ones who rock!
about 16 years ago


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May 19, 2008