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Robynn Yip 葉晴晴
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Anyone experts on hermit crabs? I need your help!! 有人懂得/喜歡養寄居蟹嗎? 我今天剛收到一隻粉絲送的寄居蟹。 網上找到一些資料,發現這些蟹不能單獨生存,必須和其他寄居蟹一起;但也不能隨便放生。 有人有養的話請跟我聯絡,希望你會願意多養一隻可憐孤獨的寄居蟹。又或者,如果你知道任何我可以聯絡的機構的話, 也請麻煩告訴我; 這個突然冒出來的小生命我真的不懂得如何照顧, 而這個責任也我實在擔當不起。拜託有心人指點?? So I randomly received a hermit crab as a gift literally just today. After doing some research online I realize that these crabs really shouldn't be living inside a tank; they have very specific environmental needs and shouldn't live alone. Yet they also say we shouldn't just release them without knowing it's origins. So if you know of anyone or any organization that I could contact, please do let me know. I've been watching the poor thing try to climb out all afternoon.


over 8 years ago 416 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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March 27, 2010